Hello all!
My name is Jeremy, and I'm a freelance artist with over 15 years of experience. I've worked in a variety of media, and for the last three or so years I've been using Blender to create 3D content.
iClone and Character Creator really appealed to me, as animating character's wasn't so easy for me in Blender. I've been following the products for years, but never could afford them. However, when iClone 8 and CC4 came out, I decided it was time to buy. So far, I'm really impressed with both products. But there's still a lot for me to learn.
That's where I hope this forum will come in handy. I'm excited to use these products for my business to create character monologues and book trailers that are both engaging and compelling. I think these Reallusion products have a lot of potential and I'm looking forward to seeing what other people are doing with them, especially as it relates to Blender.