aleal14121960 (6/14/2022)
Good day ! I'm the beginner, and i don't understand very simple thing. How to make, that my human character "will grow up" from small in the poiint 0 to big in the point 30 on the timeline iclone 8 ? After each changing of character (moving or rotating) on timeline appears new key, but after scaling it's not appears. It mean's, if i scale my character in point 30, he is get the new size from the starrt (point 0), and not from the point 30.
Sorry for so stupid question, but i don't know, what i need to do. Thanks in advance for your replyHello,
For a mysterious reason, we can't still change a character size in the
You can modify the body height of a character in parameters, but it won't generate a keyframe animation in the
The only tricks I can recommand you for the moment is to change the size of the environnement/objects to give the illusion that's your character which is changing size if you place correctly the camera.
The second tricks would be to make the animation of your character in iClone, then export the character with the animation, then import the character you just exported. It won't be anymore a CC3+ character, but at least you can make the changing scale effect animation. It's a lot of waste of time as you need to put the character at the same position of the old one which you have to "hide visibility", and then reimport a new CC3+ character with the new size at the good location too.
I hope I wasn't too much confusing in my explanations because of my english, good luck! :D