Hello All. This is my first post and I appreciate any insight from the community that can help.
I have a CC3 character with animation and Viseme data captured from Motion Live (iPhone) in iClone. When I import the animation to the CC3 character in UE 4.27 or 5 the mouth is having issues (Using auto-setup). The Jaw and mouth are is moving but the lips are not. It also seems like the mouth never closes, it's over exaggerated, except without any animations at all. Also, it appears normal in iClone 7. I have tried on two different animations on 2 characters, same result. Should I start with an ExPlus expression to create a "none" key at the start?
Anyone having this issue, or know a fix? better to capture the facial data via live link?
(Mouth During Animation - Always lol)
83% of original size (was 608x576) - Click to enlarge
83% of original size (was 608x576) - Click to enlarge
(Mouth on Mesh only - No Animation)
83% of original size (was 608x576) - Click to enlarge
Character 2 same issue
83% of original size (was 608x576) - Click to enlarge