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Posted 4 Years Ago
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I would love to see a creature pipeline expansion for Character Creator. A lot of this can't be done currently outside Headshot, as it only allows for humanoid characters without ZBrush involved.
I would further like more "Fantasy Playset" packs to be made available, possibly a mixture of Marvelous and hard surface pieces. There are still a lot of history or folklore that could be made into suitable content bundles.
Posted 4 Years Ago
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I would like to request more options for beards as accessory or hair (whatever makes more sense) including a morph option for at least the length if possible, more morph options would be even greater of course. I especially miss options for long beards which would fit for vikings or dwarves settings and was not able to find anything on the store. The only longer beard I'm aware of is that disguise beard but well. That's not really a dwarven beard. What I do not want is beards changing the character face or shape itself because I want to export with beards as separate objects so you can click on/off a beards mesh in game engines, in my case Unity so it would be good if such beards look good in that engine and other engines of course. And there's problems with the hair and the Unity version 2020 standard shaders it seems as I had very bad results first. You could this as another request pointed at Reallusion to release a Unity shader to get a better look. Fortunately Robert Ramsay creator of Human Shader Pack could solve many of the issues I had. Thanks for the great help ! Not sure if I may link Youtube video here but if you search "Robert Ramsay CC3" you will find his example how to setup hair to look better and also see the problems in his first video that existed on setup. Those videos might help 3d artists here to see what problems can occur I guess. So it would be good to keep that problems that can happen in mind if creating beards and not have it too pixelated. Beware I'm a beginner at CC3 and shaders in Unity, so maybe I just missed something but I did not even find any tutorials that don't include Blender or other 3D tools so I guess it's just not available. I'm aware of the options for short beards of course but well that's not enough for dwarves. ;-)
Posted 4 Years Ago
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I would like to see jump back startled, timidly/carefully approaching, reacting angrily, disagreeing (stepping back/crossing arms/shaking head). Motions involved in conflict agreement/disagreement.
Posted 4 Years Ago
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I hope this gets seen... I do have a request and if reasonable, would be ready to purchase ASAP. I am looking for farm clothing. Male/Female overalls, flannel shirts, peasant top and a skirt, long and short, maybe ruffles under the skirts, cowboy boots... and so on. It would be nice if compatible with both realistic humans and cartoon characters, like the essential clothing pack is. If anyone can help please contact me with a price, maybe we can do a few at a time.
Thanks :)
Graphic Design, PHP Programming, More - Applebite Media (
Posted 4 Years Ago
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Especially for CC, more men shoes and boot choices, please. Gal footwear is numerous and varied (sorta) but men footwear is very meager. Also, cowboy apparel, especially western style shirts, boots, and hats. Most cowboy hats currently in Marketplace, while the efforts are appreciated, I'm sorry to say, look junky and see to fit poorly on characters' head. I'd like to also see trench coats for men.
Omen HP17t ck00 -- Windows 11 -- 32GB RAM -- Two 1TB Crucial M.2 NVME Drives -- nVidia Geoforce RTX 3070 -- 11th Generation i9 -- LG 32" QUHD Monitor
Posted 4 Years Ago
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Speaking basically of CC3 material. 1. Content by independents that work. I have a recent purchase of a belt that when used in CC exhibits a watermark. My first thought was I had missed the need for having the base for this. So far, that seems not to be the case. For me it was just one case, but it is very annoying. 2. More male shoes and boots, there's plenty for gals and not enough for guys. 3. More common everyday caps and hats, such well-defined Irish caps, well-worn caps and hats etc. 4. Cowboy attire that doesn't look like BAD doll clothing. Guns and holsters, boots, pants that includes more than just jeans, authentic and stylized (Roy Rogers type) shirts, and realistic hats. 5. More varied ethnic avatars. 6. Sci fi ships that aren't movie knock offs. I'd suggest looking at 1960s - 1980s sci fi book covers for design ideas. 7. One thing that vexes me greatly, is the fact I buy items for CC and discover can't resize or otherwise manipulate them except for the MOVE tool and sometimes the ROTATE tool. 8. Landscapes of alien worlds. NASA and other space agencies have discovered various exoplanets. Their descriptions would be great sources of landscape ideas. 9. Refine iClone so that CC exports look exactly as they do in CC itself. 10. Refine the facial expressions features so they don't look so stilted.
Omen HP17t ck00 -- Windows 11 -- 32GB RAM -- Two 1TB Crucial M.2 NVME Drives -- nVidia Geoforce RTX 3070 -- 11th Generation i9 -- LG 32" QUHD Monitor
Posted 4 Years Ago
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Hi All, I'm looking for G3 or G3 360 Head character, its very urgent requirement, Please reach me by my mail or website / asokfair@gmail.comThanks Ashok R
Posted 4 Years Ago
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I love the vines and ivy offered in iClone but I need to be able to animate them such as: reach, grow, hide, un-hide, etc. Right now they just sit where I put them without any options. Please advise. I can't even layer them to make it appear they are growing by having each layer appear at a specific time. Thank you.
Posted 4 Years Ago
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You can download free 3D vines from CGTrader as an OBJ and FBX file. CC3 allows you to create accessories by bringing in OBJ and FBX files and send to iClone as an accessory. Then you can detach from avatar and save as a prop. As a prop, you can layer them and put them on the timeline. Free Vine 3D Models | CGTrader