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Question about sales.

Posted By ajf412 4 Years Ago
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Question about sales.

Posted 4 Years Ago
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As an example right off the bat:  Udemy always says that they have a sale happening, grab it now!  99% of the time, you can find a sale.  If not, make a new account, and you'll have a sale.

Does Reallusion have actual sales, or are they gimmicks like Udemy?  Their sale for CC3 bundle ends tonight, and I'm still very up in the air about getting CC3.  CC4 is apparently around the corner, so do I want to buy CC3 now and then pay for an upgrade inside of 6 months?

I'm looking at the Ultimate Digital Human Creation Bundle with Headshot v2 for $749.  What do you all think about the current sale?  Worth it?
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ajf412 (7/1/2021)

Does Reallusion have actual sales, or are they gimmicks

Both. Price-jacking happens too where the original price is inflated to make the sale price look better. Recognizing actual sales from gimmicks requires care and patience on your part.

Play the long game, don't just add to cart because a promotional email has a clock ticking down. Take the new Terrain Generator plugin... sounds good in theory, but getting bad feedback in another thread. Apparently worth $200. On sale for $149.  BUT... if it's a dud plugin, the price is a joke. Or if the plugin fills a hole that shouldn't be there in the first place, you can question the value.

iClone 8 apparently addresses "optimization", implying they've ignored it until now. For a real-time render engine, you'd think they would have solved the "rendering hidden details" issue by now.  If you try to make a large detailed scene currently, you may run into trouble. Perhaps they should have released an "optimization plugin" and sold it for $200. But that would have been criticized. So instead they've made it a "feature" of iClone 8 we're expected to want to upgrade because apparently iClone 7 cannot be optimized.

In the end, software vendors call the shots on their own products. If they want to fragment their products all day long, it's their choice. We would hope their primary motivation is to make a strong product rather than endlessly manipulating user perception in order to maximize what's added to your cart.
Posted 4 Years Ago
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You should buy what you are going to use. You  can go baby steps and just buy the basics. Iclone has sale prices throughout the year.
Last November iClone 7 was on sale for $99.50. It was their 20th year anniversary sale. I had a 10% percent coupon also. I ended
up paying less than $90 for iClone plus I got CC3 add on for free. Then their are clothes and props you can buy for your character also.
Right now you can get their whole bundle of trees and plants (from 2016) for $99 (regular $399) plus a 15% coupon also iClone content - Total Plants 2 - Botanical World - 3d model (reallusion.com).    
That bundle cost me $30 because I was one of the first 15 who gave 5 star reviews on the Marketplace during a contest. They gave me an extra 5000 DA points ($50 value). I got almost $600 worth of stuff for less than $130. 
Plus the past 6 months or so, I have spent over $100 on Marketplace and Content Store items. It all depends on how deep you want to go with iClone and CC.
Do you just want to make faces or do you want to make a whole scene. Iclone is where the animation and scene making takes place. CC3 is where you make your avatars.
If you want to make clothes, you need CC3 Pipeline. I don't make clothes, so CC3 Pipeline is not worth it for me. I don't use Unity  and other 3D outlets that you can use CC3 Pipeline in.
Just buy what you are going to use at the moment. You can always buy DA Points every month and save them for future software purchases from Reallusion.
If you spent $30 a month on DA points, after 12 months, you have $360 to buy iClone 8, CC4 or whatever bundle you want, without paying one lump sum.
Go slow. Buy what you are going to use. And be happy.

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