I have a strong opinion about hair.
Regardless of the hair type (long, short), it always must be weighted 100% to the head bone.
All hair I bought on the marketplace are weighted to multiple bones. That is wrong.
Let's take a look at one of the RL SWAM hair (SWAM by the way is a popular DAZ hair artist).
Anyway, a BeachClub Hair.
Look at the screenshots I made, where difference is clear. The Accessory Hair (all accessories weighted 100% to a single bone - head in this case)
was converted from the original SWAM hair and is only driven by physics and body penetration is prevented by collision shapes.
Imperfection of the original SWAM hair is obvious, I do not even have to highlight anything.
Small imperfections in converted Accessory Hair is caused by conforming routine. Conforming is another *thing*, which should never be applied to hair. It only messes it up.
For different characters, hair should be tweaked by smoothly editing hair mesh to prevent sharp twists cause by conformation.
The physics weight map, physics settings and animation are identical for both - Default SWAM Hair and its converted counterpart - Accessory.
89% of original size (was 566x348) - Click to enlarge
89% of original size (was 566x348) - Click to enlarge
Couple of words about hair weights (bone weights) in CC3.3.
It is not possible to weight 100% to any bone. CC thinks it is smarter than me and whenever I apply my custom weights to hair in Blender and return it to CC, the original weight is restored
Working with weights in CC for dense mesh is also a pain.
Things like applying 100% weight to a single bone takes couple of seconds in Blender. In CC it might take hours (if it ever finishes without crashing!).
So I could not keep this hair as a *hair* type and was forced to convert it to accessory.
Update: I forgot. In Blender, if you weight paint the very end of hair strands to the neck or spine (does not matter), then CC would accept it and would not restore original weights.
That would not cause any distortion because the strands end would be painted white on Physics map, thus completely override bone influence. This would allow to retain the hair as a Hair type.