Posted 5 Years Ago
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Hi i am trying to export from iclone7 to fbx format and i get the Fbx export failed error all the time. I read someone had this issue a few years ago and ive tried saving the original fbx file with 2011 selected but it still has the same issue. I'm not sure where the issue lies with my model because it came from 3ds max aleady rigged... taken into 3dxchange 7 and the bones are remapped and working fine. i send it to iclone 7 and add some animations and its moving good and ready to go. I then try to export to fbx so i can use it in 3ds max and the export makes the same error all the time? Any help much appreciated. Thanks
Posted 5 Years Ago
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To export from Iclone fbx, you need the program 3DX7 pipeline. Otherwise the export from Iclone does not work Greets Postfrosch
-------------------------------------------------------------- 76% of original size (was 663x19) - Click to enlarge
Posted 5 Years Ago
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thank you.. i believe i have it.
I bought £1000 worth of software and i believe that came with it.
I will check now
############# update ##########
Yes i have that.. the issue is narrowed down to my model. i tried another model which exported and it worked. Something is stopping it, i will try and reduce the poly count (286,000) and merge some parts together to see if thats the issue.
Its so frustrating.. im so close lol
######## update#############
After many hours testing different settings and styles the file still wont export to fbx from iclone7. After i have added my animations in iclone 7 and everything is set.. im then unable to export without getting an export error. In all my years of using so many software tools ive never encountered something like this and this is the one ive actually paid for out of my own pocket.
is there something i should be aware of to not do when exporting to fbx? There is zero facial animation because its a robot so i only make sure the body moves perfect.... could this be a factor? do i need to some how switch off facial features in 3dxchange or something similar.
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Posted 5 Years Ago
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Re: FBX export failed
Please try 「 Alembic」 Export when FBX export fails. Fig1: Go to File/Export/Export Alembic. 76% of original size (was 663x19) - Click to enlarge Fig2: Select 「 Ogawa」 for File Format and Export. 76% of original size (was 663x19) - Click to enlarge Fig3: Alembic Export Successful. 76% of original size (was 663x19) - Click to enlarge Fig4: Because of the large Face Count, the exported animation will be very slow in 3dsMax. 76% of original size (was 663x19) - Click to enlarge Thank you, Hiro
Posted 5 Years Ago
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Thanks for the info..
Its strange you say the face count makes it slow in 3ds max because i have a scene set up in 3ds max and i have been doing manual key frame animation which has no issues.
I brought the model into iclone so i can produce animations with all the mocap data avaliable plus my own mocoap data.
I folllowed your tutorial but i cant import the albemic file into 3ds max as it gives an error of improper file format.
it this rate it would be quicker (sarcasm) for me to change the bones in 3ds max on my model to match a mixamo T Pose then import animations from miximo that way directly into 3dsmax.
Totally wasting all the money I have spend with reallusion
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76% of original size (was 663x19) - Click to enlarge 76% of original size (was 663x19) - Click to enlarge Ok so after reducing all the parts i got the error everyt time until i removed every part of the mesh and the export actually worked with all the animations but just the bones. The big question is what is wrong with my mesh? I was using vray.. i even changed to the basic 3ds max renderer and made the materials default.. that didnt work. I will figure this out one way or another... what could it be? its not the file size because i succesfully exported another character i created. should i change model parts to editable mesh or poly etc.
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Re: Alembic Export from iClone 7 This is just an information confirmed on my PC environment.My 3dsMax got the startup trouble and can't use it now. (Then, New 3ds Max2021 was installed and Fig3 & 4 are added for more confirmation) Maya also has Alembic for Import File Selection, so the IronMan of 700,000 triangle with motion was exported to Maya via Alembic format. The IronMan is animated on Maya but the animation speed seems to be slower than iClone 7. Fig1. Import format selection in Maya: Alembic is shown at the bottom in Japanese version. 76% of original size (was 663x19) - Click to enlarge Fig2. IronMan imported into Maya. Animation speed seems to be slower than iClone7 76% of original size (was 663x19) - Click to enlarge (Added) Fig3. Import File Selection of 3ds Max2021. Alembic is available. 76% of original size (was 663x19) - Click to enlarge Fig4. Imported Alembic file from iClone 7 is animated on the 3ds Max2021. 76% of original size (was 663x19) - Click to enlarge Thank you, Hiro
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Try something silly...I don't know if it works. Add a box to your Scene with the Character , do a little animation with the box (left-right) , play it , save it. Restart IClone , load the scene , delete the box , play the animation , try to fbx export again.
Posted 5 Years Ago
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has something like this worked before?