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Has been quite a while since CC3 released, and yet there is no anime figure available.

Posted By lollosone 4 Years Ago
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Has been quite a while since CC3 released, and yet there is no anime...

Posted 4 Years Ago
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I get that most of the users of this application are aiming at either super realistic figures, or barely humanoid figures; but it is disappointing that if you are looking for anime figures; you are fundamentally forced to work with MMD figures or make your own in Blender, and then convert everything for real time engines like Unity or Unreal.
The only pack I saw on the store is the cartoons pack, which is a start but you can't get either disney-style characters, and not even close to 3d characters like in modern anime games (like the naruto games, dragon quest games and so on).

I love the usefulness of CC3 for creating characters, but when most of your work is based on anime characters; the lack of a base anime mesh and clothing, and the lack of viable cel-shading shaders for the output is really disheartening.
I am sorta using DAZ anime figures, which kinda work in some cases; but it is all extra work done to adapt clothing and so on, when RL could just make those figures and clothing, Maybe I am one of the few doing this art style; as such there is no real market for it. Curious to see if you do anime style content to be used in 3d engines, and how do you deal with the character creation part.
Posted 4 Years Ago
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Same sentiment here. It would be great if we can easily create Cartoon characters the way that we create Humans.
Posted 4 Years Ago
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you mean like this ?

"To define Tao is to defile it" - Lao Tzu

Posted 4 Years Ago
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Something like this
It is not just a matter to get something close to the anime proportion (kinda like Akiko from DAZ); but also to match shaders
4 Years Ago by lollosone
Angel Alonso
Angel Alonso
Posted 4 Years Ago
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I agree that there is little or no unrealistic content.
I'm not exactly a fan of anime but I like the design that is most similar to THE INCREDIBLES, RATATOUILLE, BRAVE ...
So I decided to give this a try and I am doing some testing in this direction.
I think I can show something very soon if someone is interested in seeing  BigGrin
Posted 4 Years Ago
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Ahh,   well first thing to consider is that what shaders are to daz,  are different than how iclone is approaching shaders. - Iclone lighting carries more weight in it's workflow than Daz lighting -  in a short under-explained way,   Daz started with high poly meshes,  so their shaders and lighting interact differently -  where as Iclone started with low poly meshes to have more power in real time animating,   what daz had in detailed High poly meshes with modeled detail like wrinkles ...Iclone had to make happen with normal maps and different lighting techniques -  all iclones most recent tools embellish on that basic concept.  The Difference now is Iclone is adding higher poly meshes it's workflow has allowed advanced usage of "old techniques"  -  long story short,  the look you want may not be in the textures but in the lighting

this was done with a toon shaded lighting approach,  adding additional color detail with the IBL lighting  - beyond this basic render,  I would go to a photoeditor to finish getting the hand drawn look with additional filters.  Iclone has filters to finish honing in on the look,  but I simply like mixing tools for the sake of being different.

"To define Tao is to defile it" - Lao Tzu

4 Years Ago by planetstardragon
Angel Alonso
Angel Alonso
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If you will allow me to give my humble opinion, I believe that the potential of the ICLONE shader toon is not being appreciated. 
My suggestion is that you should look in that direction a bit and do some testing ...

4 Years Ago by ATOOM
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yes,  that is correct,   it's just that you can't look at iclone like daz because it's approach is fundamentally different -  that's not saying anything good or bad about daz or iclone -  it's just that daz lighting is designed to capitalize on mesh detail, and iclone lighting is designed to capitalize on textures detail.  So asking for a shader in iclone,  may not mean the same thing as asking for a shader in daz. 

"To define Tao is to defile it" - Lao Tzu

Angel Alonso
Angel Alonso
Posted 4 Years Ago
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right, Iclone and daz are not the same ...
everyone has their rules of the game ...
no program is the same as another ...

Posted 4 Years Ago
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feel free to ask any questions,  myself along with many others here have been using iclone forever and we know some of the old tricks to get new looks.

remember the lights carry more weight in iclone main render engine,  and I mean that literally -  iclone lights are very hard and meant to highlight and even change details from textures.  where in daz,  the lights are softer and meant to highlight shadows on meshes, and the shaders do the  textures detail. Once you understand that basic principle,  the rest of the tools in iclone make more sense.

"To define Tao is to defile it" - Lao Tzu

4 Years Ago by planetstardragon

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