Dear iCloners,
Get your particle effects done quicker than ever!
We are excited about launching the brand new Python-scripted plugin: PopcornFX Particle Sequencer. 93% of original size (was 542x16) - Click to enlarge
This sequencer enables you to combine multiple particles, and manage their emitter timing all at once.
Press the Apply button to deploy the particles to the scene and apply the custom settings. You may also save your custom sequence as preset for your other iClone projects.
Let's take a look at some cool examples created from this plugin.
Basic Application:
Composing your explosion VFX (0:19"-1:50")
Select the particles you want for your iClone project. The particles will emit at the same time by default.
But with our this plug in, now you can change the emit order and slightly adjust the particle effects.
Advance Application (works with paid content PopcornFX and PopcornFX Library 40)
Apply VFX to a selected mesh (2:12"-2:32")
Make VFX move along with parent object (2:33"-3:06")
Trigger VFX at any movement (3:07"-3:43")
This is also our first Python-scripted paid plugin on the Content Store, and we are also looking for more Python lovers to develop plugins in 2020.
Discover our wiki page and find out how we create this with Python!