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@2IDs media:design Number 2 (your second most wanted) is partially came true in IC 7.6. When you import objects in iClone 7.6, it asks if you want to group separate mesh as sub-props. Partially, because you can't *sub-prop* them selectively. It's all or nothing.
2IDs media:design
2IDs media:design
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Peter (RL) (9/3/2019) Thank you all for sharing your feelings about the Feedback Tracker. I can assure you that all entries in the Feedback Tracker are looked at by the relevant departments and logged on our internal systems. However I do agree that the Status system is a bit too vague and so maybe this is an area that needs to be looked at.
I'll discuss with the team to see what we can do to improve things.
Where would we be without all this assistance? :Whistling:
System: Win 10 Pro (21H2), Asus X99-E WS, CPU i7-5930K -3,5 GHz, 32 GB DDR4 2666-16 RAM, NVidia GTX 1080 Ti GPU - 11 GB VRAM(Driver Studio-536.99), Samsung 850 Pro 512 GB SSD, 6 TB HD storage.
Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
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Thank you all for sharing your feelings about the Feedback Tracker. I can assure you that all entries in the Feedback Tracker are looked at by the relevant departments and logged on our internal systems. However I do agree that the Status system is a bit too vague and so maybe this is an area that needs to be looked at. I'll discuss with the team to see what we can do to improve things.
Peter Forum Administrator
Posted 6 Years Ago
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@Sonic - At the risk of venturing off-topic, I agree quite vigorously with your "walking" comment. For several (many?) years now, I have pleased with Reallusion to work on "below-the-waist locomotion."
My standard litmus test is a person working in the kitchen, where you stop, turn, and do short walks. Stuff like that is a nightmare in iClone. Sure, I can walk along a 50-yard (or meter) path and the walking might look okay. But starting, stopping, and any sharp turns are usually a disaster, requiring way too much manual adjustment, almost on a per-frame basis. Also changing from a walk to a jog to a sprint is a pain.
iClone 7... Character Creator... Substance Designer/Painter... Blender... Audacity... Desktop (homebuilt) - Windows 10, Ryzen 9 3900x CPU, GTX 1080 GPU (8GB), 32GB RAM, Asus X570 Pro motherboard, 2TB SSD, terabytes of disk space, dual monitors. Laptop - Windows 10, MSI GS63VR STEALTH-252, 16GB RAM, GTX 1060 (6GB), 256GB SSD and 1TB HDD
Posted 6 Years Ago
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I'll be totally honest .... I *really* think the single most important issue is "walking". Yes, the most basic motion that any animator would want to execute, and if it can be executed easily (without having to fight it), it would make iClone a *joy* to use, attracting many more sales I believe. It's the most glaring deficiency that exists imho. The sad thing is that it seems almost all iCloners have given up requesting it - as can be seen by the lack of voting support (see pic below). Either that or they avoid wide shots showing feet - or if they do wish to (or have to) show full length walking, they spend a lot of time fine tuning. Some would argue that if you're not prepared to animate (and fine tune) individual frames then you're not a real animator. I disagree. There are many other important aspects to animation than just leg/foot movement. Like I say, if getting realistic walking was 'a piece of cake' then loads more beginners would be encouraged to embark AND loads more who've already embarked would remain motivated and stay creative .... (my $0.02) 75% of original size (was 670x19) - Click to enlarge
Please be patient with me ..... I don't always 'get it' the first time 'round - not even the 2nd time! :( - yikes! ... ● MSI GT72VR Laptop, i7 7700HQ 4-Core 3.8 GHz 16GB RAM; Nvidia 1070, 8GB Vram ● iClone-7.93 ● 3DXChange Pipeline 7.81 ● CC-3 Pipeline 3.44 ● Live Face ● HeadShot ● Brekel Pro-Body ● Popcorn FX ● iRAY ● Kinect V2 ● DaVinci Resolve17 ● Mixcraft 8.1
Posted 6 Years Ago
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I will go through mine as well. And as Dennis mentioned, what happens to iClone 6 entries? Function GetVisemeKeys() missing in API 073 (FT 5951 iClone/Python) - This may have been fixed. Selecting multiple sub-props in the View Port no longer possible (FT 5469, iClone 7) - Assigned, but ignored I'm afraid. Custom CC3 characters have no collision shapes, others have not enough (FT 5392, CC3) - Assigned. This was halfheartedly fixed, but the collision shapes have not distinct names, and there are not enough. I had to re-enter this issue and have tried to explain my self as clearly as possible, but no luck...:unsure: Earlier this was entered as issue 2063 for CC2. Auxiliary Light does not work (FT 5274, CC3) - Assigned. This was in fact fixed, so it should be closed. Plane with displacement map wobbles when rotated in Preview mode (FT 3648, iClone 7) - Assigned. It turns out that this only happens when LOD is enabled, but it is still a bug. Walk cycle exhibits discontinuity (FT 2064, iClone 7 Beta) - Assigned. Fixed perhaps? I won't mention my mirror entries for IC6 and IC7...:crazy: They are actually quite popular.
Posted 6 Years Ago
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I'm pretty sure at least 4 or 5 of my Assigned ones have actually been released, but apparently Reallusion is unaware of the fix   That's hilarious. I have couple of those too, which I have ignored for now. "Active" is a different story. I know there are whole lot of good suggestions coming from everyone, which are probably the majority of the entire FT database. But they are getting ignored most of the time regardless of votes count. So I gave up on those and figure I'd concentrate at least on those which have Assigned status where chances are they would eventually be Released. Looking forward for a list form you Dennis...
I have recommended (several times) that when a major release occurs, someone at Reallusion should review the outstanding Tracker Issues, and either close them out or, if still applicable, attach them to the newer version. I do not have anything for iClone6, but here is the chance to recap/compile those and present all in one thread. Again not sure if this going to do any good for us, but at least it would all be in one place and serve as a reference point.
Posted 6 Years Ago
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I'm not sure what is the most sad: - I also have over a dozen in "Assigned" status, at least six of them are in the 11-12 month range :angry: (I'll work on listing them later) - I'm pretty sure at least 4 or 5 of my Assigned ones have actually been released, but apparently Reallusion is unaware of the fix :ermm::Whistling: - Many others are in the "Active" state, which I think only that someone has read them. Some I think are actually very good suggestions. Not New, not Assigned, not Closed, not Hold... just "Active." :(
And while on this topic, I still completely lack any confidence that iClone 6 bug reports and enhancement suggestions are remembered at all. Are we supposed to re-report them? That would be dumb. I have recommended (several times) that when a major release occurs, someone at Reallusion should review the outstanding Tracker Issues, and either close them out or, if still applicable, attach them to the newer version.
Looking back at iClone 6 Issues there are 7 with Status=Assigned. One of them even has 17 votes. I wonder what version (or programmer) they assigned them to. :pinch: And 172 are "Active." Active? Really? On what planet? :alien:
iClone 7... Character Creator... Substance Designer/Painter... Blender... Audacity... Desktop (homebuilt) - Windows 10, Ryzen 9 3900x CPU, GTX 1080 GPU (8GB), 32GB RAM, Asus X570 Pro motherboard, 2TB SSD, terabytes of disk space, dual monitors. Laptop - Windows 10, MSI GS63VR STEALTH-252, 16GB RAM, GTX 1060 (6GB), 256GB SSD and 1TB HDD
Posted 6 Years Ago
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Not sure if this is going to do any good, but I am posting a summary for the FT issues created by me, which have an ASSIGNED status for about a YEAR of so for both - iClone and CC. Maybe it will serve as a reminder about issues, which were forgotten or neglected for so long. Feel free to post here the list of your own outstanding FT issues which carry status Assigned for a long time. I can't tell you how long the *long time* is, but the issues I have listed below are 10 month or older. ====================================================================== Adding to Perform creates 12-16 static frames at the beginning of the clip ( FT 3981 - iClone) Motion keys cannot be written to particular frames ( FT 4047 - iClone) Wrong shaders assignment in .mi export files on complex props ( FT 5237 - Iray) Hidden in scene manager objects make their way into Iray export ( FT 4152 - Iray) Spotlight or Shadow Caster with blunt beam angles generate patterned stripes on objects ( FT 3986 - iClone) Change lighting in the default project ( FT 4143 - CC, but directly relates to the issue above) Converting CC2 to CC3 problems, suggestions ( FT 4136 - CC) Follow Terrain Inconsistency - rebound ( FT 5337 - iClone)