CTA G3 Power Tools 4 & 5 are available NOW!!! (Nov. 2nd)
Hi CTA users!
After 2-month of 3D content warm-up, it's your time finally!
There will be two Power Tool packs launching next week.
One is Occupation Pack (Character Body, Motion, Prop & Accessory), another is the Asset Assembly System (City Street Scene & Prop, Hair, Mustache & Beard, Hat & Belt).
Power Tool 3, there are more and more good character content created by developers. So this time, there is no characters included in the two packs. (well, besides a barking dog)
You are free to combine your existing content with the assembly system, enrich the story, and even build up a city!
Power Tool 4 - Occupation1. Character Body 
Extra: A dog with the Face Puppet System equipped
2. MotionCustomized motions for people with different occupations:

General motions with pedestrians

Comic actions for dogs
3. Prop & AccessoryHairstyles

Accessories by occupations

Some accessories and props come with animation effects

Power Tool 5 - Assembly System1. City Street Scene & PropCreate a great combination by using various components

Build up the scenes with the 3D-layer concept

Animated props make the scene more vivid

2. Hair, Mustache & BeardCompose different hairstyle & beard style

Some hair & beard come with animation effects
3. Hat & Belt
A lot of components to compose a hat and a belt