Posted 9 Years Ago
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Hi All, I recently purchased a new Alien Laptop. Is there the ability to make the text larger?? The screen resolution is 3840x2160. The text is crisp and clear, but so tiny that I have to get real close to read the I'm to close for the graphics. I have tried several different setting, buuuttt, iClone 6.52 over rides the settings. Many Thanks in Advance Larry Gilman
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I assume your Windows 10. Right-click on the desktop and select "Display". Half-way down the panel is a slider to adjust the size of text and icons.
Posted 9 Years Ago
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With the recommended resolution setting of 3840x2160 the slider was at was at 250%. Changing the resolution to 1920x1080, the setting changed itself to 125%. The setting is resolution dependent. iClone totally ignores the Win10 settings. I didn't spent 3 grand on a laptop to run at a resolution of 1920x1080. I am hoping that Reallusion has a system setting that is self adjusting or one that I can adjust, very similar to the way web sites adjust to your screen size. With the advent of 4k and 5k monitors, it is not just laptops that will or are having problems.
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Oh. From your post, I thought you meant the system font. There are three sizes you can set in the iClone preferences that scale the UI elements and font. Try the largest. 76% of original size (was 660x19) - Click to enlarge
Posted 9 Years Ago
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Thank you . I didn't know about those settings .
Posted 9 Years Ago
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Thank you Rampa, that worked beautifully on my 25 inch monitor, which just happens to have the same resolution as my laptop. On the laptop, it did make the letters larger, but not larger enough. Al least for these eyes. I may as well send this return this laptop and get an Precision 15 5000 or an XPS with a somewhat lower resolution screen. I may be expecting to much at this early stage of the UHD laptops. I wonder what the MAC people who are using iClone with the Retina displays.
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I almost got one of those Seiki 39 inch tv/monitors when they got really cheap. That would have been comfortable. There are a bunch of 28 inch 4Ks, but I think even 28 is to small for 4K iClone.
I doubt anyone is running iClone on a Retina display Macbook.