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Reach target blending model when I release for smooth motion.

Posted By cynsegura 3 Years Ago
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Reach target blending model when I release for smooth motion.

Posted 3 Years Ago
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Hi guys!!

I would like to do a  nice blending when I release reach target as the example of this tutorial. But I don't really undestand the explanation. Is there who can explain to me better than in this explanation. It is not clear at al. Many thanks

Many thanks! 
Amper Sand
Amper Sand
Posted 3 Years Ago
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Open in the timeline character's Reach property; at the keyframe you want to begin releasing, Release it - it will appear a small "end arrow".If you click it, it will become green and you will see another segment past it, representing the "fade out" transition duration of releasing process. You can then adjust the position of these two markers to tune for desired effect.

Software developer. iClone hobbyist since January 11, 2020. Best work so far: Robots among us: The Lab and The sad end of a legend
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3 Years Ago by ampertox

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