paulg625 (10/13/2017)
Butofcourse: Would like if you would start a new thread on your bone rig post you did. I think that would make a great topic to discuss...Me... start a new thread on face rigging?
I enjoy sharing what I've learned and would continue this further....
Someone asked (for help) in actually creating a face rig.
As rampa pointed out:
Rampa (10/13/2017)
CC characters use morphs for facial animation, rather than bones. The last generation to use facial bones was G5. Fuse characters can also use facial morphs which you would map in the Expression editor in 3DX.Pete and most others are NOT interested in "Creating a Face Rig"
...they want the fast and EZ morph target animaitons.... NO Bones.
If you care to discuss this.... perhaps YOU will create a "new thread" asking "How to create a face rig"..
I will dive in, Head First.... and walk you through it.
:)Note: Hybrid Combo Face Rig (The most powerful facial animation RESULTS)
~ using only morph targets has its "Limitations."
ICLONE 7.... you CAN use the Bones & Morphs to achieve the awesome (Hybrid Combo) rig effects..
Reallusion does NOT supply you with "All Facial Bones"... like they did in ICLONE 5.
I create my own "Custom Humanoid Rig" more surprises!