peterblood (10/11/2017)
...I know face rigging is more complex than rigging a body and I've studied the YT videos on it but they just made my non-techie
brain confused as to the procedure. I can always 'sew' a substitute talking head onto the body but I'd rather use the avatar as a whole.
Any suggestions?Hey Pete,
I could easily show you how to rig a face. It's EZ.
This character has only (1) Head bone and (1) Neck bone.
~ Create (1) bone and place it over the "Eye Brow"
Duplicate that bone and place them around the face:
Slide them inward to fit the mesh:
Notice the "Eye Bones" (sitting inside the eyeball)
Notice the "Jaw" and "Tongue" bones:
1. Link the "Tongue" bone to the "Jaw" bone.
2. Link the "Jaw" bone to the "Head" bone.
3. Link all other face bones to the "Head" bone
Now, Skin the mesh to the bones..... "Weight Paint"
Ready for 3dxchange.