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There are people who make money with iClone. (Now wait and see. I won't say nothing.)
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rampa (11/24/2016) Blender FBX export of boned skinned models works quite well. Myself, and others, have used it quite successfully for making clothing to be imported into CC, and for characters imported into 3DX.
Don't get misled by the cynicism of non-iClone users! ;) a software holic I can say that I have not have had all these huge issues .. it seems to work for me i press the buttons and it goes.. I am not a huge user of the CC cause I like to make wierd things, but I did play with it and it worked.. I love the 3dexchange its the cats meow. sincerely, ultimate blender and 3dx fanperson
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Blender FBX export of boned skinned models works quite well. Myself, and others, have used it quite successfully for making clothing to be imported into CC, and for characters imported into 3DX.
Don't get misled by the cynicism of non-iClone users! ;)
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I'm wondering if anyone has had better luck exporting from Blender to .3DS then 3DXchange. I am clueless of the issues with doing that though.
My system: i7 3770 Gtx1060 6GB
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Your unfounded bias towards maya is clouding your logic. Good luck using Maya. I will stick to blender.
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Do you see the logical flaw in your statement? If 3dx doesn't support blender, then of course no one will be using blender + iclone to make a living. They would switch over to Maya because they have no other choice. If blender was supported, you would see the blender pros using it.
SkyRoads clone for Android: Target Number - A math puzzle game:
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It should be noted Blender is not wholly incompatible with iClone, it is still incredibly useful even if the scenario mentioned here doesn't work well. Regarding 3DXchange, I see it this way, which benefits people on meager budgets like myself: I got to buy the whole app in stages. I see it as a suite, and you can get the starter package or get the whole bundle. With other 3d apps costing a lot more than the cumulative cost of the suite, I can't complain. And iClone it pretty ideal regarding complexity vs. functionality for me. I do wish you didn't need to bounce between the three apps plus CT8 for the face mapping, but after working in software QA I do see the wisdom in it: the development of the components, though related, are not pearls on the same string, and if an issue arises in one technology, it won't necessarily break something in another app. Now that 3DXchange 7 is on the way, I would love to hear what changes we'll see in that. I'm disabled and often any work on the computer is tedious, so any more streamlining of the conversion process they can achieve the better. I just preordered, so hopefully a build will be in my hands before too long :)
My system: i7 3770 Gtx1060 6GB
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RL works pretty closely with Autodesk, I believe. You can be assured that they are using the "authentic" stuff. Blender FBX was crap until 2.77, so if your using an older version of Blender, it has a higher likelihood of failure.
Posted 9 Years Ago
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As for 3DXchange I do not like it. Paying for the ability to export is just silly. Especially in this day and age when export licenses exist. I do not know just me tho. Welcome to BigDaddy RL's HOUSE! The truth is, "What BigDaddy RL says it its!" :PWell then BigDaddy RL better prepare for a sales dip. When the bridge software between proprietary iclone format and external software does not support 1 out of 4 softwares it is supposed to bridge, you cannot exactly call it a bridge. Of course blender has implemented maybe in a poor way, isn't that why bridge softwares like 3dxhange exist: To make sure they are compatible no matter how the other software like blender has implemented.
SkyRoads clone for Android: Target Number - A math puzzle game:
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@HeadClot: When I mentioned philosophical differences that is what I meant. Open Source requires the source code of the software to be available to all for inspection. A lofty goal, but you can't blame Autodesk for not participating in that. There are other proprietary interfaces that have widespread use and that is where Open Source software is in a bind. This is just an observation, but it is a reality. As to 3DXchange, it is much more than just an exporter. It is valuable for those who know how to use it.