[Archive] Release Note & Public Announcement
Character Creator 3
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By Miranda (RL)
6 Years Ago
To keep the forum neat, and make sure everyone can get the latest information, we will unpin the previous release notes, and collect them here:
v3.4 (March 24th, 2021):
What's New in Character Creator 3.4
Previous Versions:
v3.31 & 3.32 (Sept, 2020):
What's New in Character Creator 3.31 & 3.32
v3.3 (July 23rd, 2020):
What's New in Character Creator 3.3 & Ultimate Digital Human Add-ons
Update Notice
Content Repack
SkinGen First Look
CC3 Base+
v3.22 (Feb. 20th, 2020):
What's New in Character Creator 3.22
v3.21 (Dec. 24th, 2019):
What's New in Character Creator 3.21
v3.2 (Nov 18th, 2019):
What's New in Character Creator 3.2
Digital Human Shader
Headshot Plug-in
v3.1 (Aug 29th, 2019):
What's New in Character Creator 3.1
Sneak Preview
v3.04 (Feb. 25th, 2019):
What's New in Character Creator 3.04
v3.03 (Dec. 6th, 2018):
What's New in Character Creator 3.03
v3.02 (Nov. 1st, 2018):
What's New in Character Creator 3.02
v3.01 (Oct. 17th, 2019):
What's New in Character Creator 3.01
v3.0 (Sept. 27th):
What's New in Character Creator v3.0 (Pipeline Edition)
Other Announcement:
Competition - Stylish Digital Human Showcase Collection
(Aug 5th, 2020)
Character Creator - 2020 Roadmap
(Feb. 13rd, 2020)
[Before Launch] Headshot Gallery
(Oct. 23rd, 2019)
Competition - Showcase your Armor Knight
(Sept. 24th, 2019)
What to Expect in the Second Half of 2019
(July 29th, 2019)
Character Creator - 2019 Roadmap
(Jan. 31st, 2019)
Upcoming Tutorials & Auto Assignment Script/Plugin for Unity & Unreal
(Nov., 2018)
How to get your Character Creator 3 & Iray Render Plug-in License?
(Sept., 2017)