I was trying to make an accurate looking avatar of this person using the built in tools in iClone.

i had a hard time getting it right, and it was impossible to adjust the character's body in a naturalistic way...

I decided to try the character in evolver.... i estimated the character would cost $20 USD... the evolver process was A LOT EASIER.... I ended up with a character that looked good enough and then tweaked the evolver character further using the iClone tools.

I'm happier with the evolver character. For $20 it's a bit expensive, $10 would be a sweet price. The body type was also easier to adjust by using the evolver templates:

Unfortuntately, after saving the evolver character in iclone as an iClone character, I now CANNOT USE THE FACIAL DETAIL CONTROL POINTS TO FURTHER MODIFY THE FACE. When I use the control points of the face, the EYEBALLS DISAPPEAR! And the eyes cannot be reset or changed without reloading the character. That sucks!