I worked out the the message from 'danielpojda' and made a step-to-step guide for my own lesssons about CTA5. (English is not my natural language).
1 Select the 'Affinity Designer'-button in the top-toolbar.
2 Select 'New Object' in the popup-window.
A new document is created in Affinity Designer with the name 'Default'.
3 Draw or paste your object in the blank document.
4 Select the menu-option 'File > Open' in Explorer.
The location of the default-file is shown in the explorer.
5 Click the 'map'-icon in the top of the window and copy the file-pat' near that icon.
6 Select the menu-option 'File > Export' and select 'SVG' in the popup-window.
7 Click the 'Expor't-button and in the popup-window click also the 'map'-icon.
8 Paste the file-pat' in the box and hit 'return' if nececssary.
The default-file is selected in the window.
8 Hit the 'save'-button.
9 Go back to Cartoon Animator and select 'Bone Actor' in the popup-window.
10 You can now edit the object in Affinity Designer and export it with 'File > Export'.
The file-path is remembered in the explorer.