Ver 2.0 Affinity Apps no longer work on Windows
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By AverageJoe - 3 Years Ago
It's a sad day... Affinity Photo and Designer ver 2.0 was released, and unfortunately will no longer work with CTA5 (nor 4 I would assume).  The new version of Affinity applications install into C:\Program Files\WindowsApp which Microsoft, for whatever reason has made it inaccessible.  Tis true, Microsoft has hidden away folders and files on your very own system, and you cannot access them without some kind of registry hack.  Supposedly there are alias files for these hidden locations, but unfortunately, CTA5 will not accept them.
So, if you're an Affinity user and use Photo or Designer in CTA5, either hold off on upgrading to version 2.0, or don't replace your older Affinity apps when installing the new ones.
Either way, I'm really kinda miffed about it.
By wires - 3 Years Ago
There is no need for any "registry hacks" to view hidden folders.

In Windows File Explorer simply place a check mark before "Hidden items" in the File Menu as shown below and you can then view and access all folders.
By AverageJoe - 3 Years Ago
That will not work for C:\Program Files\WindowsApps. 
By Peter (RL) - 3 Years Ago
This issue also occurred with Affinity Ver 1.0 products if you purchased them from the Microsoft Store.

Are you not able to buy Affinity 2.0 products directly from Serif? You could do this with Affinity 1.0 and then you can install them anywhere you like.

However, even if you have purchased from the Microsoft Store there is a way around it. It's a bit of a pain but can be done. Please see the link below for step-by-step instructions.
By AverageJoe - 3 Years Ago
I bought them directly from Serif, through an upgrade offer.  Unfortunately, the install doesn't even give an option to install into a custom directory (another point that has Affinity users very sore).  I will try out your link, and report back.

[EDIT] I did as your link suggested, and CTA5 will allow me to pick them.  But unfortunately, clicking the SVG or Image editor in CTA5 asks if I want a new object or open a file.  But regardless of what I choose, the Affinity app doesn't open.

 Clicking either of these buttons dos not actually open the appropriate application.  But neither is there an error reported.

By Peter (RL) - 3 Years Ago
Do make sure to restart your computer for the new permission settings to take effect. This will normally allow you to open the App from CTA5.
By AverageJoe - 3 Years Ago
Still a no-go.  I uninstalled the Affinity apps, re-installed.  made sure I changed the security on the WindowsApps folder, and was able to navigate to the EXE in CTA5 and set it.  And the icons do show up, but unfortunately, the apps still do not start up and run from within CTA5.  I even ran CTA5 as Administrator, but still a no-go.
By Peter (RL) - 3 Years Ago
Are you able to launch Affinity Designer/Photo 2 from within the WindowsApp folder by double clicking the exe?
By AverageJoe - 3 Years Ago
I hadn't thought of trying that since the Desktop shortcut links worked.  But after just now trying it, no... Neither double clicking them nor right clicking and trying As Administrator starts the apps.

SYSTEM has ownership of the actual file, so shouldn't be access or permission related.
By EmpTur - 3 Years Ago
I'm having the exact same issue on my PC (Windows 10 Professional).  I installed a copy on my Laptop (Windows 11 Home) and it works fine with the same permissions.
I'm thinking it may be an issue related to the OS, as I'm having a few other issues on my PC (problems downloading smart content in CTA5) but none whatsoever on my Laptop.
By AverageJoe - 3 Years Ago
Has anyone from Reallusion looked into this further?
By wires - 3 Years Ago
AverageJoe (11/12/2022)
Has anyone from Reallusion looked into this further?

Why should they? Reading your posts the issue lies with Affinity and not Reallusion so you should direct your questions there as RL, or even Microsoft, have nothing to do with the software not working as published.
By AverageJoe - 3 Years Ago
Because it's entirely possible that Reallusion could discover a solution.  Why should I not seek answers from all possible sources and solutions?  Reallusion has worked with Affinity products for quite some time, and may be interested in seeking such a solution. It can only benefit them since many people use Affinity products in conjunction with CTA.  Sorry my question offends you so...
By grinnbear - 3 Years Ago
I am hoping that Affinity fixes this, but to avoid wasting money and my sanity I have asked for a refund.
Here is the email for that.

I'm guessing they are going to have a LOT of refund requests as the forum there is lit UP with angry people and confusing work arounds that don't seem to work. 
Since I am not a software developer, I will just get a refund, install V1 and wait to see what they do.
By rosuckmedia - 3 Years Ago
I have downloaded a trial version of Affinity Designer 2.0 Downloaded and installed. 
The integration in CTA 5 did not work.
Afterwards I have uninstalled the trial version again.
You can unzip the MSIX with 7 Zip, so you can get to the exe.(under Apps.)
Then I took the exe to install.
Test version installed again.
The not hidden Exe I have integrated into the CTA5.
see photos.
I hope this is legal
It's only the test version.
I also hope that Affinity will solve the problem.
Greetings Robert
By AverageJoe - 3 Years Ago
Thanks Robert, I did as you suggested.  And it works... sorta...
When I click the SVG button while on a blank scene, I am prompted to choose to create a new file open a file. (I chose new object) Affinity Designer opens up and a Default.svg file is open.  I add some vector elements, and now want to get it to CTA5.  However, when I go to Save, I can only save it to an .afdesign file, not a SVG.  To save to SVG, I have to export it but then it's not available in CTA5.  Unless I of course navigate to where I exported it and manually load it into CTA5.  So the link between them probably isn't ever going to work since clicking Save in Affinity Designer will not allow to just save the current SVG, you have to export it.
By rogdodge - 3 Years Ago

Thank you for the information. I did wonder why I could not find the software and a Link to it. I do not often use Affinity, but I have it for whenever I decide to jump in the deep end. :)  I felt a bit miffed when I could not link it to CA. Problem appears to be resolved.

By Peter (RL) - 3 Years Ago
AverageJoe (11/12/2022)
Because it's entirely possible that Reallusion could discover a solution.  Why should I not seek answers from all possible sources and solutions?  Reallusion has worked with Affinity products for quite some time, and may be interested in seeking such a solution. It can only benefit them since many people use Affinity products in conjunction with CTA.  Sorry my question offends you so...

The solution I provided previously does work. I have used it and was able to get the Microsoft Store versions of Affinity products to launch from Cartoon Animator.

However, the problem is that a lot depends on the Administrator and user account setup of your computer. You must make sure you are giving the right account the necessary permissions.

One other thing that is easy to overlook, and not mentioned in the step-by-step guide, is to make sure you check the option to "Replace owner on sub containers and objects".

Thank you also to rosuckmedia who has provided another workaround that seems to work (and is probably easier). However, hopefully Affinity will provide a different install option as they did with their previous versions which would make life easier for everyone.
By AverageJoe - 3 Years Ago
Thanks Peter.  rosuckmedia's solution did the trick, and was a lot easier and perhaps safer.
I'm curious though, about using SVGs with Affinity Designer, since it cannot save the currently open file in anything other than an Affinity Designer file (.afdesign).  Would the workflow, in that case, not provide a two way trip, but instead will require one to actually export the current file as an SVG, and then drag that into CTA5?
By danielpojda - 3 Years Ago

You can achieve this by replacing default.svg in the source location.
0. Click on affiinity icon (launch to affinity designer)
1. Click new object
2. In affinity draw your object
3. ctrl+s or save file -> copy destination to default.svg file
4. ctrl+shift+alt+s or export 0> chose svg and click Export
5. paste destination and click save
6. confirm replace 
7. Click prop
8.  :)

By Jowin - 3 Years Ago
Hi - I'd like to try this but am unsure of the following step in the process.
"Then I took the exe to install."
What does this instruction mean?  'took the exe to install'

thank you and best wishes

By AverageJoe - 3 Years Ago
Thanks danielpojda... Your steps outlined here are what I surmised, and as such, we miss out on the two way link for the SVG file.   It's really no different from creating a new AD file, without launching from within CTA, exporting your file as a SVG file, then opening CTA5 and dragging in your new SVG into the scene.  Then when saving the SVG anew in AD, it should update in CTA, but with AD it doesn't. 
As shown here, for Adobe Illustrator...

By robot-49 - 3 Years Ago
I worked out the the message from 'danielpojda' and made a step-to-step guide for my own lesssons about CTA5. (English is not my natural language).
1   Select the 'Affinity Designer'-button in the top-toolbar.
2   Select 'New Object' in the popup-window. 
    A new document is created in Affinity Designer with the name 'Default'.
3   Draw or paste your object in the blank document.
4   Select the menu-option 'File > Open' in Explorer. 
    The location of the default-file is shown in the explorer.
5   Click the 'map'-icon in the top of the window and copy the file-pat' near that icon.
6   Select the menu-option 'File > Export' and select 'SVG' in the popup-window.
7   Click the 'Expor't-button and in the popup-window click also the 'map'-icon. 
8   Paste the file-pat' in the box and hit 'return' if nececssary. 
    The default-file is selected in the window.
8   Hit the 'save'-button.
9   Go back to Cartoon Animator and select 'Bone Actor' in the popup-window.
10  You can now edit the object in Affinity Designer and export it with 'File > Export'. 
    The file-path is remembered in the explorer.
By Jünni - 3 Years Ago
Sorry, I thought I was in the German forum.

I don't think that the problem is with Affinity ( apart from the msix file),
rather with Reallusion because it works fine with iCl7 and 8. In A-Photo I clicked on Save
in A-Photo and the changes were immediately displayed in iCl.

ich glaube nicht das daß das Problem bei Affinity liegt ( abgesehen von der msix-Date),
eher bei Reallusion weil es bei iCl7 und 8 einwandfrei funktioniert. In A-Photo auf Speichern
geklickt und die Änderungen wurden sofort in iCl angezeigt.
By rosuckmedia - 3 Years Ago
Hello Günter
are you using Affinty Phote 2.0?
I assume you have also unpacked the MSIX.
and inserted the exe in IC8??
I had not tried it in IC8.
Deleted my trial version of Affinity Photo 2.0 again.
Waiting for a solution from Affinity first.
Until then I continue to use Affinity Photo 1.0, works at least

Thanks for your comment.
Greetings Robert
By Jünni - 3 Years Ago
Hello Robert,
Yes, I have Vers. 2.0 and do not have MSIXinstalled but immediately unpacked and with Photo.exe started the program,
entered the license and activated it.With iCl 7 & 8 the image is saved directly via Save sent to iCl
but must be cached for CA4.
With regards
By Jünni - 3 Years Ago
the browser went crazy with my last post.
The text is at the bottom at the end.
By wires - 3 Years Ago
Looks as though Serif have seen the light and intend to make a corrected installer according to this on their Forum.