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Using CC3 solely for game creation and bypassing iClone 7

Posted By Wilby 3 Years Ago
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Using CC3 solely for game creation and bypassing iClone 7

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AutoDidact (10/10/2022)If you could upgrade to IC8/CC4, you will have  better motion creation& editing tools to create short film(inside Iclone) as well as some improved render options such as motion blur and a “mirror shader. You already have the tools to complete a short film in IC7 with CC3 if you are fine with the render engine quality or any potential VFX options.

For the time being, I will be using iClone 7 more to see its capability since I already have it. Maybe I will need the Curve Editor add-on more though than 3DXchange Pipeline...

AutoDidact (10/10/2022)You already have the tools to complete a short film with IC7 with CC3 in Blender 3.3, via the Blender pipeline tool by Victor Soupday and have access to two superior render engines  better particle system, fluids  without any paid addons for blender. And Blender has free addon to bring in Daz genesis figures fully intact as FK rigs or converted to rigify IK/FK control rigs. We now  even  have a way to use the Daz genes facial animation options AFTER conversion to an ARP rig.

It's quite important to include Blender in the workflow. It just requires more time investment to get acquainted with. But it's free, powerful, and has a lot of support so it's a definite win! :-)
I'm also interested in Daz. But I couldn't understand why they can't make their installer and uninstaller look more safer. It always wants to ask for full User Account Control of my machine. :-(

AutoDidact (10/10/2022)There is a large part of this community that uses unreal engine and they can tell you why they are not creating their character  animation completely inside unreal engine. You have alot of options today for character animation (perhaps too many) your only decisive factors are what you find comfortable and ,or course, cost.

I fully understand. Thanks for all the advice. :-)

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Here's how to easily export separate animations of a model made and animated in Blender to Unreal Engine 5 using 'Send To Unreal' add-on. The tool is now in version 2.1.4 and just got updated 17 days ago so it's still active. Hoping it can also export Control Rigs made in Blender into UE5. :-)

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I've decided to delay my upgrade for CC4 & iClone 8 until maybe late next year. In the meantime, I will be using the following tools in my learning phase:
  • Character Creator 3 Pipeline (...and iClone 7 maybe for lip-sync & facial animation)
  • Blender 3.3
    • Add-on: Auto-rig Pro w/ Quick Rig
    • Add-on: Animation Layers
  • Unreal Engine 5
I needed to have a flexible tool that can easily retarget MOCAPs not just from Reallusion, but coming from third-party sources as well. When I was searching online, I found more tutorials for Blender and some of its add-ons that seem to meet my requirements. Maybe since iClone 8 & CC4 is still new, there are still less available online tutorials about it's new features. I just can't find any tutorial on how to use MOCAPs in CC4 that were sourced from Unity. I wanted to know how to quickly do that without the need to use 3DXchange Pipeline because I found a  tutorial about the old method. Anyhow, I also kept being distracted by so many nice products and promos of Reallusion that I got lost from my initial objectives. :laugh: For those interested, here are some tutorial videos I found that helped me in my decision:

Motion Capture - Retargetting

Fast Rigging and Animation: AccuRig, Mixamo & Quick Rig (Blender workflow)

Motion Capture - Animation Layers

Free Custom Motion Capture in Blender

Thanks to all those who assisted me! I hope I can finally make something soon. :laugh:

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With the exception of unreal engine, 
you have almost adopted my exact pipeline.:D

Except that I use Daz studio Character
( with the free Diffeo addon) for my speaking actors.

Glad to see you ready to get into production.!!!

Ghost Origins
My latest Feature length film created with Iclone.
93% of original size (was 540x16) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/adf9b210-df59-4cb6-aa1b-9de5.jpg
My Sci- Fi Graphic Novel on Amazon: https://a.co/d/9k3cwoY

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AutoDidact (10/29/2022)With the exception of unreal engine, you have almost adopted my exact pipeline.:D Except that I use Daz studio Character ( with the free Diffeo addon) for my speaking actors. Glad to see you ready to get into production.!!!

Good to know I've managed to follow a successful pipeline! Maybe I will try to get into Daz again in the future. For now, I will try to see how it would work with iClone 7 on the lip-sync side since I already have the software anyway. It's time it tries to earn it's worth even in it's incomplete version (i.e. no 3DXchange Pipeline). hahaha :laugh: It would be a great relief if the Send to Unreal free Blender-UE add-on would work nicely as that can be the key to "live link" with UE5 and make it easier to "assemble" the animations therein. :Wow:

I still lack some tools though and so might have to adjust the scope of my planned project. For example, I'm still looking for a good Clothing creation tool. I tried doing it manually in Blender and the cloth simulation just slows down my machine so much. So I am planning to use some add-ons like Simply Cloth Pro. I'm just not sure if the simulation therein will just be the same since I think the impact of the slow down is related more to my computer's hardware specifications. How much "hardware power" would be sufficient to let's say speed up the clothing simulation of a simple "tank top / sando" shirt worn by a Character Creator 3 character model to an acceptable time? :doze:
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Due to my machine specs I have avoided using cloth simulation on characters ,except as tests.

Thankfully I am skilled at modeling my own  as well as having access to every clothing item in the Daz genesis Eco system.
And with Auto Rig Pro, I can grab an outfit from sketchfab or nearly anywhere, and after using the Blender sculpting tools
to shape it to my characters pose,& Bind it with ARP.

I did this for this short Blender animation with the newly released Daz Genesis 9
so clothing is not really a problem for me.

Ghost Origins
My latest Feature length film created with Iclone.
93% of original size (was 540x16) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/adf9b210-df59-4cb6-aa1b-9de5.jpg
My Sci- Fi Graphic Novel on Amazon: https://a.co/d/9k3cwoY

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AutoDidact (10/31/2022)Due to my machine specs I have avoided using cloth simulation on characters ,except as tests. Thankfully I am skilled at modeling my own  as well as having access to every clothing item in the Daz genesis Eco system. And with Auto Rig Pro, I can grab an outfit from sketchfab or nearly anywhere, and after using the Blender sculpting tools to shape it to my characters pose,& Bind it with ARP. I did this for this short Blender animation with the newly released Daz Genesis 9 so clothing is not really a problem for me.

That's awesome work! :w00t: You're right, it's faster to get outfits from other sources and just fitting it directly to a character model. Unless it's a customized clothing, looks like I have no choice but to try out that approach using ARP. I then have to look for sources of nice clothing that are reasonably priced. hmm... The Epic Preset Clothing Pack looks interesting and no need to use their Simply Cloth Pro. :D  I guess if I go with this, I still have to adjust the weight mapping for the clothes and hiding/unhiding some body parts that protrude. Maybe it would be easier if I can just import the clothes into Character Creator 3 and do that process there. :unsure:

I'm finding out there are a lot of cool and useful add-ons in Blender to process things quicker and probably make it sort of work like iClone. But of course there are additional cost involved to do that. For example, I just found out about 'Grab-It' add-on priced at US$25. I think this feature is already built-in inside iClone. Another important add-on to acquire is Quad Remesher priced at US$60 - 110 depending on the license type. I think it's close counterpart feature in Character Creator is InstaLOD? But that's for characters and accessories use only. Thus, one has to really consider what required features are they still missing and the additional cost implications they will have if they want to achieve a comfortable workflow in using Blender vs. if they are using iClone. One will only know the differences as they learn how to fully use both programs over time. 


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For example, I just found out about 'Grab-It' add-on priced at US$25.

This addon does the same and it is free 

Free Dynamic parent addon

And I personally, absolutely, would NOT pay for any external remesher/retopo software for Blender has Blender has several
 Built-in options for remeshing and converting tris to quads.
“Maybe it would be easier if I can just import the clothes into Character Creator 3 and do that process there.”
If you are  not  skilled at modeling in Blender, I think using your existing CC3 pipeline to harvest clothing  meshes would be the easiest for you .
Keep in mind that your final destination is UE5 .
So choose your Blender native options carefully based on how they
will eventually have to translate over to UE (presumably via the iclone Live link?) 

My final destination is Blender.(EEVEE and Cycles)
However I do still use my iclone 7 to quickly cobble together many base layer root motion clips
and export ,via CC3 pipeline ,to retarget to my ARP rigs as ARP has a built in profile for the CC3 motion
Data imported as FBX.

I no longer use Iclone ,or CC3, for anything other than this.
 All of my “Star” front camera ,speaking characters are high quality Daz Genesis 8 models re-rigged with ARP
while retaining their Shape key, Audio based facial & lip sync ability, via the free  Diffeomorphic Daz to Blender Addon.

Any non Daz figure  I may grab from sketchfab,Poser etc can be rigged with ARP in minutes and still use the same  Iclone/CC3 motion data as my Daz genesis figures.
as well Motion data from my Mixamo or perception neuron& rokoko mocap suit data etc .
And ARP has a rock solid rig prep and export tool for Unity & UE5 

Thus I do not need Accurig stand alone or Accurig advanced (in IC8.1)
or any of the Actor core motions.
At this point ,Blender with ARP($40) and the animation layers add-on($29) is a complete universal Character animation system
on par with the mighty Autodesk Maya & Motionbuilder
All for less than $100 USD.

Ghost Origins
My latest Feature length film created with Iclone.
93% of original size (was 540x16) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/adf9b210-df59-4cb6-aa1b-9de5.jpg
My Sci- Fi Graphic Novel on Amazon: https://a.co/d/9k3cwoY

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AutoDidact (11/1/2022)This addon does the same and it is free. Free Dynamic parent addon.

Wow, I didn't know about that, you are a godsend!!! :Wow: Will test out that FREE Dynamic Parent Blender Add-on. It looks like the very simple UI is similar to Grab-It. :)

AutoDidact (11/1/2022)And I personally, absolutely, would NOT pay for any external remesher/retopo software for Blender has Blender has several. Built-in options for remeshing and converting tris to quads. https://artisticrender.com/remeshing-in-blender/

That was what I was also thinking at first. There are already built-in remeshing tools within Blender, so why should I spend more for an add-on. Curiously, I tested some of the built-in ones vs. Exoside's Quad Remesher add-on. In just 1 to 2 steps in Quad Remesher, can produce an almost perfect remesh/retopo result. It's like the conversion was done by hand by an expert. I know I still lack the experience in remeshing/retopoloizing objects in Blender so that may also be the reason I am finding this amusing. Anyhow, here's a review of Grant Abbitt on the various popular Blender remeshing/retopology add-onshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWF49Zu-i-A

To anyone interested, I found out one of the reviewed tools, Retopoflow, w/c is priced at US$86 (Personal Commercial License), has a FREE Github version here. Repology is done manually by hand with this add-on so more time to spend is needed, but it's easier to do than just simply using the built-in tools in Blender. Still, using Quad Remesher is faster although results will of course lack control.

AutoDidact (11/1/2022)If you are  not  skilled at modeling in Blender, I think using your existing CC3 pipeline to harvest clothing  meshes would be the easiest for you.  Keep in mind that your final destination is UE5So choose your Blender native options carefully based on how they will eventually have to translate over to UE (presumably via the iclone Live link?).

My modeling & sculpting skill levels in
Blender is still lacking alright hence I still have to depend on Character Creator and/or external add-ons especially for creating humanoids. I find it easier to fit clothes and weight paint them inside CC3. Yes, my final target is UE5 and I am trying to set up everything to converge therein. Blender will be the main tool for modeling and intial animation creation. Character Creator for humanoids character design. "iClone Live Link" I don't have since I do not own 3DXchange Pipeline nor iClone 8. Thus, I don't see "Reallusion Live Link" an integral part in my pipeline. It is nice to have and can be the key to make the workflow faster, but I think is not required in my situation. I have to make some more tests to see how this will go for me with regards to "interfacing" with UE5. My salvation might be using the FREE Epic Games Send To Unreal Add-on available here in Github (Blender to Unreal)You will need to log-in in Github linked to your Epic Games account to access this tool and get more info. I've only linked the download to the recent stable version 2.1.5.

AutoDidact (11/1/2022)My final destination is Blender.(EEVEE and Cycles). However I do still use my iclone 7 to quickly cobble together many base layer root motion clips and export, via CC3 pipeline, to retarget to my ARP rigs as ARP has a built in profile for the CC3 motion. Data imported as FBX. I no longer use Iclone ,or CC3, for anything other than this. All of my “Star” front camera ,speaking characters are high quality Daz Genesis 8 models re-rigged with ARP while retaining their Shape key, Audio based facial & lip sync ability, via the free  Diffeomorphic Daz to Blender Addon. Any non Daz figure I may grab from sketchfab, Poser etc. can be rigged with ARP in minutes and still use the same Iclone/CC3 motion data as my Daz genesis figures as well Motion data from my Mixamo or perception neuron& rokoko mocap suit data etc. And ARP has a rock solid rig prep and export tool for Unity & UE5. Thus I do not need Accurig stand alone or Accurig advanced (in IC8.1) or any of the Actor core motions.

Do you have and still use
3DXchange Pipeline in your iClone 7? I guess you will do this only for importing third-party motions into iClone 7 if you still need that?

AutoDidact (11/1/2022)At this point ,Blender with ARP($40) and the animation layers add-on($29) is a complete universal Character animation system on par with the mighty Autodesk Maya & Motionbuilder. All for less than $100 USD.

Thanks for sharing your workflow and thoughts.
They're very helpful for me! :)  I suggest maybe one of these days, if you can find the time, to create a Youtube video showing one of your basic project's creation. From it's initial stages to full project completion including all the tools you've used and the processes. That would be a magnificent addition to your channel I think. :D
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Do you have and still use 3DXchange Pipeline in your iClone 7? I guess you will do this only for importing third-party motions into iClone 7 if you still need that?

Actually I have no need to import third party motion into iclone anymore.
I have compiled a hoard of over 4400 Iclone Imotions and a separate archive of over 2400 Mixamo motions  as FBX.
ARP can retarget any third party sources

The only  time I need 3DXchange is when someone from the Daz community want to pay for bespoke motion for the Daz figures to be used inside Daz studio,
like these.
I suggest maybe one of these days, if you can find the time, to create a Youtube video showing one of your basic project's creation. From it's initial stages to full project completion including all the tools you've used and the processes.

ActuallyI Do have a videos describing my ARP  work flow with random,non speaking characters from sketch fab.
And a  video showing my pipeline for speaking Daz genesis Characters
re-rigged with ARP.

Ghost Origins
My latest Feature length film created with Iclone.
93% of original size (was 540x16) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/adf9b210-df59-4cb6-aa1b-9de5.jpg
My Sci- Fi Graphic Novel on Amazon: https://a.co/d/9k3cwoY


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