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What do the blue circles in the Edit Motion Layer window mean?

Posted By jeff.davies 2 Years Ago
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What do the blue circles in the Edit Motion Layer window mean?

Posted 2 Years Ago
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I'm working on an animation and somehow the ankles of my character now both have blue circles around them in the editor. As a result, whenever I move the other body parts of the character, it affects the ankles also. So I have several questions for the august body of animators here:
1) What do these blue circles indicate?
2) How did I turn them on?
3) How do I turn them off?
Any suggestions will be much appreciated!

- Jeff
The Adventures of Capt Sanchez
Cybernautic Studios
Posted 2 Years Ago
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I figured it out. If you select a bone/joint in the Edit Motion Layer window and then click on the IK button, the circle around the bone/joint will highlight in blue. Clicking the FK button will remove the highlight.

Mystery Solved!

- Jeff
The Adventures of Capt Sanchez
Cybernautic Studios

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