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Blender Auto Setup

Posted By Victor.Soupday 3 Years Ago
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Posted 2 Years Ago
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Hi. Adjust the roughness setting on the body material. That effect appears usually when the roughness of the head and body don't match. You can see in your screenshot that the head has a glossiness to it whereas the body doesn't.
leandromeire (3/3/2022)
I exported character Sandra to Blender, as I exported the Default character, but this time, the UV seams are noticeble. Why?

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2 Years Ago by Colonel_Klink
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In this case, there is actually an error in the skin shader micro-roughness calculation, causing a seam in the roughness between the head and body materials. Working on a fix now.
Posted 2 Years Ago
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Colonel_Klink (3/3/2022)
Hi. Adjust the roughness setting on the body material. That effect appears usually when the roughness of the head and body don't match. You can see in your screenshot that the head has a glossiness to it whereas the body doesn't.
leandromeire (3/3/2022)
I exported character Sandra to Blender, as I exported the Default character, but this time, the UV seams are noticeble. Why?

I´ll try it. Thanks Colonel_Klink

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Victor.Soupday (3/3/2022)
In this case, there is actually an error in the skin shader micro-roughness calculation, causing a seam in the roughness between the head and body materials. Working on a fix now.

Ok, Victor. Waiting for the update. Thanks!
Posted 2 Years Ago
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Dear Victor

I just downloaded your plugin yesterday, and it instantly relieved me of 1½ years of trying to fix eye and skin shaders with PBR. Wow. I can't tell you how much time I spent on that, it actually feels a little ridiculous.
  Switching to Christensen-Burley with your shaders helped even more. 

I looked far and wide and couldn't find it. Is there any way to donate a small amount / buy the plugin? Sorry if this is the wrong place to mention this.
Best regards 

This is a very quick and dirty screenshot that shows how powerful CC3 and this plugin is. 
Posted 2 Years Ago
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Version 1.2.1:
Github page - Release Page
  • Some fixes to exporting additional objects with character.
  • Added a 'Check Export' function to identify potential problems with the export.
Version 1.2.0:
  • Added initial export to Unity project function.
  • Round-trip/Unity export additions and fixes.
    • Added baking raw metallic and roughness values into textures, when no textures connected, when exporting.
    • Modifiers removed from eye parts when exporting that prevented exporting blend shapes.
    • Modifiers applied on FBX exports.
    • Armature set to Pose mode on export, otherwise skeleton/bind-pose imports to CC3 incorrectly.
    • Some file path fixes when baking new textures with exports.
  • Fixed skin micro-smoothness calculation causing smoothness seams between head and body materials.
  • Fixed UI updating wrong unmasked micro smoothness parameter.
  • Blender 3.0+ subsurface scattering method set to Christensen-Burley, rather than Random-Walk, which does not work well with hair transparencies.
  • Color mixers for actor core/color masked materials prevented from generating negative/zero color values which could affect diffuse lighting.

Installer for the CC3 Re-importer Plugin: CC3 Blender Tools Plugin - Release Page

Some fixes, some new features. The biggest of which is the export compatibility with Unity:

A pipeline suggested by aoakalin on Github. By using a .blend file as the character model source rather than an fbx, it means a very fast edit & modification pipeline for characters between Blender and Unity, which can be sent back to CC3. Requires CC3 Unity Tools v1.2.0.

Unity thread post:
2 Years Ago by Victor.Soupday
Posted 2 Years Ago
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I'm having an issue with cc3 exports to blender and rendering with cycles. The eyes come out Dark. I tried the subsurface scattering tweak but it doesn't seem to work. The only solution I found was to crank up emissions but that's not a valid option.
Posted 2 Years Ago
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Beansupreme (3/14/2022)
I'm having an issue with cc3 exports to blender and rendering with cycles. The eyes come out Dark. I tried the subsurface scattering tweak but it doesn't seem to work. The only solution I found was to crank up emissions but that's not a valid option.

Steps to reproduce? (Just the eyes.)
I can't get the eyes to look like that in Cycles, at least not the ones I think these are: Cartoon Eyes_Brown.ccEye (From Cartoon Character Designer - Toon Figures) ?

Edit: Also add-on version, Blender version?
2 Years Ago by Victor.Soupday
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I had a similar issue which I raised on github ( For me, the immediate work-around was to change the characters eyes from Digital Human Eye to Traditional Shader made all the difference in the world.

- Jeff
The Adventures of Capt Sanchez
Cybernautic Studios
Posted 2 Years Ago
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Hey Victor, I'm aoakalin from GitHub that suggested the blend file stuff. I have tested the new change, and looks like we are very close to make this perfect. I have noticed three issues so far. Two of which I can definitely live with them; but the other needs a solution. 

* Morphs were baked when I did a CC3 -> Blender -> CC3
* All Skingen data is baked when I did a CC3 -> Blender -> CC3

I believe those two are very difficult problems to tackle and probably won't worth your effort to fix, if they are even possible to fix anyways. I definitely can live with those two issues. Skin and makeup data can be saved as custom files and re-applied if necessary; and morphs can be baked negatively to revert them back. I'm very OK with such issues, I only need to change clothes and hair of the character anyways when I re-import to CC3 from Blender, so those problems are not even real problems, just wanted to mention so that anyone having them might find this thread easily when searching.

* Due to DRM protection, fbxkey file needs to be present to be able to re-import to CC3

OK, this issue has clearly nothing to do with you as this is how Reallusion created the workflow. However, this issue causes two problems that might need some workarounds that we should look for.

First one is, selecting "Mouth Open as Morph" is kinda a timesaver, but when chosen, CC3 does not generate fbxkey files alongside the output. Similarly, choosing the "Delete Hidden Faces" option does not generate fbxkey file as well.

I can definitely live without the mouth open combined morph, as it is possible to manually achieve that functionality; and also your Unity project has a good example to manipulate face, it can be done easily with scraping your code, so I'm fine with this issue as well. Here is how roundtrip plugin behaves without "Delete Hidden Faces" option (first is my base character, second is roundtrip version):

As you can see, I'm hiding part of the vambrace and shoulder mesh originally, and also hiding the bangs on the hair; but this data is lost on roundtrip. I believe due to DRM protection, even editing faces on Blender might not work; but I haven't tested this yet. Is there any way to keep the hidden meshes when exported to Blender? They are not hidden when exported to Blender either. Am I doing something wrong, or is this how it works and I should look for some workarounds?

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