I've been using iclone7 as the basis to my mo-cap production for a VR game, a month ago my team and I started producing the project
we produced the project using Rokoko suits and iPhone X for body and facial motion-tracking. We bought all the needed plugins and additional software so we could run with it. We had a total of 3 Rokoko suits, so in some scenes there were up to 3 recorded bodies at once (but in most records we recorded 1-2 recorded bodies at best), the body models were created in CC3.3, using the headshot feature.
Right off the bat, we immediately encontered problems with the software- it took iClone7 between 15 to 40 minutes to finalize a mo-cap sequence we shot, usually a shot is between 3 to 5 minutes long. during the finalization time the software freezes and it shows as "Not Responding" in the task manager window. I didn't even dare to try reach the capacity of 54,000 frames per mo-cap take, in fear that would kill the rest of the day as the software gets stuck for a longer while the long we shoot. I feared the records would be erased and gone if we messed up with with the software too much.
Now, this is a history already, we managed to pass through the production process, it's been long but at least we have it all. We're now in the mo-cap animation cleaning process.
however, now we stand in front of a new/old problem. trying to sample any motion clip in the timeline editor would result in about 10 to 15 minutes wait until it actually does so. We don't even try sampling the whole body at once, as it can take a whole day.
and even then, when trying to edit the motion keyframes using the Curve Editor tool, each edit would take about 60~90 seconds to complete. I can't use the software while it computate, it's stuck.
So something is going terribly wrong with the way the software behaves, I failed to understand the reason why is it like that. We tried to run iClone7 in five(!) different PCs, and the current PC is a very solid stationwork, but nothing seems to fix the performance problem.
I even tried change the Real-Time Rendering to minimum, I tried to put shadows off, I followed all the guides related to improving performance issues on iClone7, but all with no success. the changes didn't even slightly made it better, it's the same with or without the changes.
I'm hoping I'm just missing some curcial, but as it is right now, working with iClone7 is impossible.. so I'll be glad for help. thank you!
My PC specifications:
CPU: Intel Core i9-9900k @3.60GHz
GPU: GeForce RTX 2070
Windows 10