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iClone7 is so slow, it's not possible to work with it..

Posted By eylonedri 5 Years Ago
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iClone7 is so slow, it's not possible to work with it..

Posted 5 Years Ago
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I've been using iclone7 as the basis to my mo-cap production for a VR game, a month ago my team and I started producing the project
we produced the project using Rokoko suits and iPhone X for body and facial motion-tracking. We bought all the needed plugins and additional software so we could run with it. We had a total of 3 Rokoko suits, so in some scenes there were up to 3 recorded bodies at once (but in most records we recorded 1-2 recorded bodies at best), the body models were created in CC3.3, using the headshot feature.
Right off the bat, we immediately encontered problems with the software- it took iClone7 between 15 to 40 minutes to finalize a mo-cap sequence we shot, usually a shot is between 3 to 5 minutes long. during the finalization time the software freezes and it shows as "Not Responding" in the task manager window. I didn't even dare to try reach the capacity of 54,000 frames per mo-cap take, in fear that would kill the rest of the day as the software gets stuck for a longer while the long we shoot. I feared the records would be erased and gone if we messed up with with the software too much.

Now, this is a history already, we managed to pass through the production process, it's been long but at least we have it all. We're now in the mo-cap animation cleaning process.
however, now we stand in front of a new/old problem. trying to sample any motion clip in the timeline editor would result in about 10 to 15 minutes wait until it actually does so. We don't even try sampling the whole body at once, as it can take a whole day.
and even then, when trying to edit the motion keyframes using the Curve Editor tool, each edit would take about 60~90 seconds to complete. I can't use the software while it computate, it's stuck.

So something is going terribly wrong with the way the software behaves, I failed to understand the reason why is it like that. We tried to run iClone7 in five(!) different PCs, and the current PC is a very solid stationwork, but nothing seems to fix the performance problem.
I even tried change the Real-Time Rendering to minimum, I tried to put shadows off, I followed all the guides related to improving performance issues on iClone7, but all with no success. the changes didn't even slightly made it better, it's the same with or without the changes.
I'm hoping I'm just missing some curcial, but as it is right now, working with iClone7 is impossible.. so I'll be glad for help. thank you!

My PC specifications:
 CPU: Intel Core i9-9900k @3.60GHz
GPU: GeForce RTX 2070
Windows 10

Nick GlassB
Nick GlassB
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I've seen a few complaints about the plug in's. If I'm understanding where your problem is, have you tried capturing the motion in Rokoko then importing the FBX files via 3dxchange?

It was one of the things I read that put me off going down the mocap route in IClone 7.
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I was streaming directly from rokoko to iclone7 via the Motion Live plugin, recording is fine, it's the processing part after the record which take so long to finish
and currently my bigger problem is that the Curve Editor plugin is basically unusable because the processing time for each action takes about 30 to 90 seconds to finish, it's impossible to work that way..
Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
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Thank you for the feedback eylonedri . We are sorry to hear you are encountering these performance issues. I'm sure you are already aware, but do make sure to close all other applications when editing in iClone to get the best performance. It is also worth taking a look at your start-up programs list to see if you have anything hogging resources that may be affecting performance.

Please can I also ask that you post your feedback in the Feedback Tracker. The tracker is monitored directly by the relevant departmental teams and your issues will be looked at by the iClone team. You may also get some suggestions from the iClone team there to help with the problem.

To use the Feedback Tracker, please click the link below.


Thank you. 


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Deanius 3D
Deanius 3D
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Hi all.  My project files is sooo slow.  I have run out of ideas and resources trying to solve my problem.  Or perhaps I'm doing it wrong. 

Its a reasonable size project file at 1.7m polys, but even when I hide or remove items, nothing changes.

I am getting 5-8 FPS with all items included and 12-14 FPS when I hide 90% of items.  Now, I presume it is normal to playback the project regularly to work on it and while Im making a film, not a game, I can afford to make better quality objects.

My system is aging...
AMD FX 6300 6 Core 
ASUS Dual RX580 GPU 8G
Plenty of Hard drive SSD
Windows 10

Should I expect 30-40 FPS....or more?  Surely not around 12.

The most confusing is that when all is running fully, the GPU is not fully utilising its processor (20-70%) or RAM (60%) and the PC is no more than 50% CPU and 20-40% RAM

I dont usually sit and watch the clocks but as Iclone 7.82 is not performing I have tried:

Reinstalling Iclone....after reducing all performance options.
Removing all plugins
Stress testing the Graphics card

Am I expecting too much or am I missing something?

You advice and assistance is most welcome.

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Hi Peter, thanks for the reply and sorry for the late reponse,
I tried to use the link you sent me for a feedback, but it leads to a missing page url, I guess it's the wrong link?
As for your question- No program was hoarding the CPU/GPU resources during the work on iClone7, either while recording or editing, it's more than that- it doesn't seem like iClone7 is even using my CPU/GPU resources, as dean aobve me mentioned I've seen a similar or even lower ulitization of my processors as his (between 1-20% CPU/GPU usage, never seen it crossing the 50% usage).
If it helps, I did some experiement during last week, rather than directing the temp files to the usual C:/ location, I tried using my SSD (F:/) as the temp files location, I noticed the program eventually mentioned I've run out of space in F:/, despite it being not true, I suspect something in the temp files don't process well, could it be related?
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yes, peter link did not take you to where you wanted to go

but this one should take you to iclone please see below


I have tested this link  it should help you

paste into your web browser

for what, I can work out all your systems are 'ok'

but it maybe your usb slowing you down
if so, change your usb card like. I have done to version 3 at 5000

this should get round your problem

from Alan

happy animations everyone

Deanius 3D
Deanius 3D
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Further to my last is a screen snapshot from my playback of my 600 frames and the next shot is from my AMD graphics card software.  Both snapshots are taken at about the same frame with all 

You can see below the fluctuation in GPU usage below, while VRAM expectedly is constant (the scene has been on loop for the duration). Comparing the VRAM above with below does differ but I understand, they are a guide.

I have nothing else running on my system (this forum and the AMD software) but it is not unusual to have 3ds Max, multiple Internet, usually with a video tutorial, etc, etc, running with no issues but still I have the same result in Iclone.

Note that while CPU is 70 in this snapshot, it has averaged around 60 while RAM has remained rather constant.  These measure were taken with all polys visible.  

I don't know how GPU's operate but I do find it curious that it fluctuates down while performance is lacking.  Of course, I am no expert and looking for advice as to whether this is normal or I am missing something either in Iclone 7.82 or in my PC settings to maximise benefit.

In this snapshot I have turned off nearly everything except the the main character actions for a total or about 90 000 polys (a guy riding a bicycle).  This is the fastest I have seen the framerate and now I find that everything is way to fast and I will have some work to do to slow it all down as I have been working at a snail pace, but I am pleased there is a stretch option !

Do note the VRAM usage, only 1.5.  Is 18 FPS what I should expect?

Deanius 3D
Deanius 3D
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Hi guys

Further to my above, I have been getting these today.... cant be sure if the previous ones were the same as this....

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I am alsohaving that issue but in Character Creator It keeps me showing that error many times and then exits. Only once it occured in IClone.
But yeah. It also happens to me.


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