kungphu , thanx for your charming words ;-)
Here is my workflow :
I did the audio react with Aftereffects "Audiospektrum" , rendered out as mp4 (h264).
You can take any Video you want and put it on a plane ( or any other mesh ) as media source material , but use mp4 or image sequences.
UE4 Materials :
Result :
In Sequencer you have to put in a Media Track , linked to the mp4 Video.
I tried to render it with Octane but it didn't work , so I rendered with UE4 Path Tracer to get the mesh lights.
You can render in realtime with the Lit Renderer but then you only get reflections in the environment and on the character but no real mesh lights , lighting out the whole environment (emissive materials).
So you have to take normal lights , but how to animate "normal lights" as audio react in this way ?
4 Years Ago by