Sorry ButOfCourse, I was rushing out the door and the way the page opened I somehow scrolled right past this post. Thank you for responding, I think I understand most everything you are talking about. I have a pretty good Rigging tutorial series from Lightwave. But he did a creature not a human. So...
but0fc0ursee (10/18/2017)
paulg625 (10/18/2017)
I am looking for more information on face rigging a character? How to attach the bones and where also the face painting.Hey paulg625,
What app are you using to face rig in?
I have Lightwave and am dabbling now with Blender.
I love Lightwave but in some situations it won't play well with Iclone. ( but this could be due to me lacking experience. But, difficult to find others who have answers)
It will be extremely EZ to explain the process because have experience.
The Game Bone white paper is an excellent reference to follow,
When first learning.... the fbx display of bones IS NOT how the rig is constructed.
(When Exported.... FBX creates NEW connections... Displaying all bones linked to the ROOT.)Example.
You see all those bones (extending from the Head) to main bone.
When you actually set the bones in place.... it will look something like this:
Reallusion uses (25) facial bones...
~ I use (33) bones.... (fine-tuning) automated actions.
______________________________________________________________________________________Then you "Link" the bones to the head.... (To Start).BUT...the bones are NOT (Zero-d Out)In your rigging app..... You click the setting to "Freeze the Position and Rotations."
The bones are
(Zero-d Out)..
Their (Local Orientation) is NOT (Zero-d Out).WHAT????I think I understand this I might have to review my Rigging stuff. as to the Zeroing you have to do this to define the starting point of the local space right giving it a zero point Right?
Stop right here and focus on this:
iClone bones (WILL INHERIT)
~ Position
~ Rotation
~ Scale
~ The action of "Freezing Positon & Rotation" ...DOES zero out the bones (LOCAL) transforms....BUT....
It does NOT zero out (LOCAL ORIENTATION).
What this means...
If a bones is "Directly Drawn from the parent to the child."
~ The child (SHARES) it's parents (Local Orientation)
Remember.... These bones are NOT DRAWN directly from it's parent.
~ They are simple placed in space.
~ Then Linked to their parent... (Head Bone).
~ The child (DOES NOT SHARE) it's parents (Local Orientation)
So Far... You froze their "Local" transforms to zero.
but... NOT their Local Orientations to MATCH their parents.
How do you (zero-out) their local orientation TO MATCH their parents????/
1. Give each bones a (New Parent)..... a null object, i.e. dummy or point helper.
2. Link the (NEW PARENTS) to the head.
So Iclone will accept the null objects as part of the rig? What does it see them as ? is it directly as a Null?
ALL of the bones now have ZERO LOCAL ORIENTATION.
~ Skin it
~ 3dxch Ready
ROLL 'EM! :Wow:
OK , Semi- clear I will study a few general videos on Rigging in Blender today and get back with questions later.