Posted 8 Years Ago
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Had a program ~ 5 years ago... many different computers since then... think it was "FaceFilter". In it, had adjustment features/options for HAIR (on head). (e.g. color; highlights; smoothing; etc.). Just d/l and installed FaceFilter Pro Trial (apparently the most recent one). Do NOT see ANY tabs etc that affect the HAIR. Wondering if previously I had a DIFFERENT program... or, has HAIR been removed from FaceFilter. Considering buying the full package.... but, don't want to get the wrong program. Thanks.
Posted 8 Years Ago
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Changing object file extension? I do not think it is quite possible in this case. Accessory and cloth/hair have different concept attaching to the armature. It would have been way too much fun and spare us whole lot of time if possible. It may look similar (specially men's hair where there is only a single bone to attach to - though by the neck it already goes to neck_twist), but accessory would never conform regardless of file extension. There was a discussion a while ago about having multiple hair objects possible. As of now the only way to have that, is to convert hair to cloth and assign some reserved ID (again I am talking about weight painted/conformable items). As to 10:1 :) it is probably more than that. You can have one lady in the movie and 10 men. But she would probably beat them all by the variety of outfit, makeup, hairstyle change in 1.5h duration - it is natural.
Posted 8 Years Ago
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Mr. G (and anyone else who might have seen what I wrote), Maybe forget about what I said. For the life of me (or at least the old mind of me) I could have sworn I just brought hair over as I describe but I can't find an example of it and it doesn't seem to work when I try it now. I can bring it as an accessory (and it WILL scale with the head properly, as long as that is how you linked it) but not as iHair per se. So you would definitely end up with two different places for hair (which I don't like). At the very least the remaining steps you describe to link it within Blender and export it properly would have to be followed (why the iHair is so picky when ccAcc is not I'm not sure). Also, one *disadvantage* is you can't combine hairs (only one hair at a time) which I've actually found useful with my OBJ hairs (one overlaid on top of "normal" hair looks interesting). In any case, I appreciate you summing up the steps I'll need to bring my Blender hair into iClone (not looking forward to all that work, but I guess that's the price we have to pay to get what we want. If ONLY we had more male hair... oh, wait, a few more ARE coming. Just not soon enough, and not as many as we need).
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Okay, making a perfect fit I understand -- I'm (mostly) satisfied with "close enough" since I rarely do more than a closeup of a character's face in widescreen (which doesn't show off much imperfections). Getting REAL close would be a problem, I'm sure. But IIRC (and I may not, although I'll find out more today because I want to try it with a few others I have from Daz) all I did to "convert" to iHair was just rename. After that it worked just fine, conforms even when head shape is changed (as I mentioned). I think the only real requirements of iHair is that it be attached to the head bone of the character -- I'm guessing (and it wouldn't take much experimentation to prove it) that ANY accessory so renamed would behave that way. I think that's how I got the helmets to work so perfectly, naming them as hair so they would reconform (but don't quote me on that -- that might just be that I put them in the Accessory/Head directory. I might have to experiment more with that as well, but I do think there is some kind of automagic going on otherwise fitting a hat each time would be a PITA). I'm actually far more interested in creating my own hair in Blender and exporting because, again, men's hair (I know Daz is mostly fanboys but it's truly amazing how much female content there is compared to men's -- I would say it's something like 10 to 1, in terms of clothing, hair, bodies, etc. And yet in "films" it's almost exactly the opposite, with us needing far more men than women). But I wanted to be sure I wasn't missing something critical in what you're doing because many of the steps will be similar (from Blender mesh hair to iClone). The main difference is I can start with a "good" skull (so no real conforming issues).
Alienware Aurora R16, Win 11, i9-149000KF, 3.20GHz CPU, 64GB RAM, RTX 4090 (24GB), Samsung 870 Pro 8TB, Gen3 MVNe M-2 SSD, 4TBx2, 39" Alienware Widescreen Monitor Mike "ex-genius" Kelley
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That is fine. I am AKA Mr. G, if that makes it easier to type :) Now to the point. There is nothing wrong with it, Mike. Moreover there is a thread nearby with workflow you just described: I am sure a lot of people would follow that path as it is whole lot easier to follow. Except, that it does create a non-conformable head accessory. You can sure scale it each time you try it on a new character/avatar. You can even go to CC, hide strands with opacity control (for hair with multiple materials), or create a temporary opacity map for hair with a single material and perfectly fit the cap/scalp mesh to the head by switching to "Edit Mesh Mode" (though I really hate working with this one after comfort of Blender). You also mentioned converting to iHair. I suppose it was done outside of iCone suite after all. But the point of my workflow is, not just to make an iHair, but make it fit perfectly, consolidate materials (shows a base routine, which could be used for any prop - a lot of 3D warehouse models require that). Although all that mostly commented with user experience with Blender. Take that men's hair I posted yesterday. It took me whole lot more time than any other hair to actually fix strands (the step I mentioned briefly in a workflow). So we have to go case by case, consider complexity of the project, time we want to spend, accuracy and then take one path over another.
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4uegs (sorry if that's not the right name -- but it's *something* like that, right? <g>). The first time I saw this all I could think of was "well, that won't work with the particle hair I've been running into" and didn't look much further. But since that time I've come across a workflow that will allow me to create mesh hair in Blender I'll be using in iClone and it reminded me of an experience I *did* have with Daz hair and I'd like to get your reaction to it. It was (as is all the hair I'm concerned with) men's hair, which definitely is simpler hair but still has the same principles attached to it. All I did to convert was to export as an OBJ, bring it into XChange and then into iClone, and just adjust the scale in several directions. Finally I attached to the head, saved as a head accessory, and was able to convert and use it as an iHair in Character Creator. It's actually one of my go-to hair styles because it looks so good. So what's wrong with my workflow? I understand part of your workflow was to simplify women's hair (which can be a lot more demanding) but I didn't do ANYTHING, didn't have to change materials, didn't worry about the underlying scalp piece (which I could size to just fit right on the skull of my men). It works great in CC (and thus iClone) even when I scale the head (the nice thing about hair, or any head accessory, is that it scales automagically to fit). But now I'm worried I may have just gotten lucky. What about my simple workflow would be an issue?
Alienware Aurora R16, Win 11, i9-149000KF, 3.20GHz CPU, 64GB RAM, RTX 4090 (24GB), Samsung 870 Pro 8TB, Gen3 MVNe M-2 SSD, 4TBx2, 39" Alienware Widescreen Monitor Mike "ex-genius" Kelley
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Thank you!
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paulg625 (10/3/2017) Thanks 4u2ges, this will be very helpful as I have a ton of Daz hair which I can us this on. Glad to help Paul! :)
Posted 8 Years Ago
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Thanks 4u2ges, this will be very helpful as I have a ton of Daz hair which I can us this on.
Posted 8 Years Ago
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Hey Mike, thanks. I probably should have mentioned about particle hair. But quite frankly out of number of hair I have had, none of them were particle based. Maybe I was lucky (have not worked with men hair though). Well, I am lying.. there was a case with particle hair.. but it was a different type of hair :hehe:. Yes, decimator does not work on particle hair at all. Not only it leads to baldness but also creates an awfully looking mesh and since there is no opacity map - there is no control over it. I tried to work on it in Blender without much of the success. So folks, stick with poly-mapped hair as Mike advised or skip this workflow altogether, get a render farm (and wait when iClone would support it). :)