It's a 3D model.
I have found two solutions :
1) I take two pictures : one with the eyes open and one with eyes closed.
Before importing, I merge "eyes closed" over the "eyes open" picture (just to cover the top half of the eyes
than in CT, I create my own eye balls from the "eyes open" image (I do that anyway). It works perfect for closed eyes in CrazyT
but in the process I loose some of the details of my models (natural top eyelash and morphological details
of the upper eye (when open).
2.The other solution wich is a better compromise I think is to edit the face texture file in
Photoshop to reduce the side effect of pixels stretching, mostly by reducing contrasts.
Here are some screen captures of solution #2
I hope it can help people with the same problem.
76% of original size (was 661x19) - Click to enlarge
Detail of the photoshoped face texture file (left eyelid only has been edited)
76% of original size (was 661x19) - Click to enlarge
Result in Crazy Talk. Left eye VS Right eye.
76% of original size (was 661x19) - Click to enlarge
Same dude with the eyes open.
LEFT (corrected) vs RIGHT.
The compromise: I lost some
natural contrast of top eyelid line and eyelash, but at least, if my character
close his eyes it doesn't look like a bug.
N.B. these are just tests. the process can be improved.