Thank you very much for the quick relies!
So basically I can't do that if there is no option for purchasing the export license?
I just needed the bone structure of the iclone model i purchased as I wanted to attach it to another model and use it back to iclone with the original animations.
Would there be an option for that? This is my last hope, please help!
If there is no option than i have literally spent money and time for nothing, as all this small details (like the one i mentioned) make it impossible to do some actual creative and professional work. The whole bundle is advertised in such a way that makes you think you can do so much .... when in fact, i am realizing now that the whole iclone bundle is a closed program with ZERO options outside that platform, as there will always be one more problem, one more thing to pay fore ... for basic things .... That is the exact opposite of what it is advertiser for!