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By paolo.gentilini - 8 Years Ago
Getting very bitter here with the whole iclone bundle... still new to this (after one month) and the more i "play" with the tools the more problems i encounter ...
I am using the 3dxchange pipeline (trial) to export the fbx file of a non human character to 3d max.
I have a problem with the EXPORT LICENSE as it seems that the LICENSE for my content "is not available yet on the market place" ... what on earth does that even mean??? The model was purchased on the market place! Then there is a link to CHECK THE RELEASE SCHEDULE PAGE. Which opens this:


... and then what???

Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!

By rogyru - 8 Years Ago
You normally see this message if the model does not have a export licence . Not all product you buy in the store are available for export , when you purchase a item it normally gives you a choice between Iclone licence and export licence if its available .
By animagic - 8 Years Ago
When you purchased the item, there should also have been an option to purchase the export license.

You can still do that by going to the product page. The purchase price of your product will be deducted from the full export price.

However, be aware that not all products will have an export option (although most do).
By paolo.gentilini - 8 Years Ago
Thank you very much for the quick relies!
So basically I can't do that if there is no option for purchasing the export license?
I just needed the bone structure of the iclone model i purchased as I wanted to attach it to another model and use it back to iclone with the original animations.
Would there be an option for that? This is my last hope, please help!

If there is no option than i have literally spent money and time for nothing, as all this small details (like the one i mentioned) make it impossible to do some actual creative and professional work. The whole bundle is advertised in such a way that makes you think you can do so much .... when in fact, i am realizing now that the whole iclone bundle is a closed program with ZERO options outside that platform, as there will always be one more problem, one more thing to pay fore ... for basic things .... That is the exact opposite of what it is advertiser for!
By vidi - 8 Years Ago
Maybe you can  us show/Link to the content ?
By paolo.gentilini - 8 Years Ago
Hi, thanks for the reply. You mean the content i purchased on the market place?
By vidi - 8 Years Ago

By paolo.gentilini - 8 Years Ago
This is the model i purchased:

By Rampa - 8 Years Ago
That model says export is 1595 points.

Any embedded content does not require an export license. Any content that you buy, does.
By Rampa - 8 Years Ago
There is also a dog model in your iC6 props folder. It's in the "3DLive props" sub-folder, I believe. There is a kitty too. They have some associated motions as well.
By paolo.gentilini - 8 Years Ago
Thank you very much for your reply!
Through 3DXchange i tried to purchase the export license, and it took me directly to my cart, which said: 0 points!
After that I checked again, and it said that the license for this content is not available yet ..... and from here i go back to the post i created originally.
I even refreshed the program with F6, for the license.
If you say the price for the export license is 1595 point ... how can I buy that? I can't see the option. Am I doing something wrong?
I want this model as the motions are really good. Have to check the dog model and kitty too, to see if it will work. Thanks for the suggestion! :)

By GrannyJ - 8 Years Ago
paolo.gentilini (4/13/2017)
This is the model i purchased:


This model does have an export license for 1595 DA points.  If you go to your inventory, you should be able to upgrade it to the export version (& you will be charged the difference between the two prices).
However, for the purpose you previously stated & since a "wolf" basically uses a dog bone structure, you could always export the "Live Prop" dog supplied by RL with iClone. 
By animagic - 8 Years Ago
Just don't use the purchase option through 3DXchange. It has never worked. That's why I directed you to the MarketPlace page, as did others.

In general, if you are desperate, ask here first. There are many helpful members.
By paolo.gentilini - 8 Years Ago
Thank you very much for the replies an help!
I managed to purchase the export license and export the wolf model in FBX for the idea i had.
However, it doesn't work! I applied the bones of the Standard Wolf to the other model and re-imported everything through 3DXchange to iClone and when I applied the motions of the original model it says: incompatible avatar.
I tried to export the Standard Wolf again, import it in 3Ds Max, exporte again (made no changes) in fbx and through 3DXchange back to iClone .... and again i get the same message: CANNOT REPLACE MOTION: INVALID FILE OR AVATAR NOT COMPATIBLE.
Am I missing something? Skipping a step in the process? It doesn't make any sense that the same model with the same bone structure is not recognized if exported and re-imported in iClone.
I tried to map the bones, by converting to non-human .. but can't map all of them ... really not sure what to do now.
I would really be grateful if you could help me sort this out!

I am working on a big important project, making the per-visualization for a short and through iClone it would be a great, easier and faster way, rather than spending a year animating everything in 3ds Max. Attached are some concepts of the short (photoshop + 3ds Max), if anyone is interested.https://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/323cf54a-92ef-4df8-baae-5ad5.jpghttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/4ab7a0f5-5e87-4084-9457-2a1c.jpghttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/270143cc-c77a-4d47-bffc-3679.jpg

By Rampa - 8 Years Ago
Try exporting the the animations as part of the FBX. Then those motions should be re-imported with your re-skinned model.
By paolo.gentilini - 8 Years Ago
Thanks for the reply! I really appreciated it!!! It actually worked!!!
By mistake i exported the standard wolf with each animation separately and exceeded the trail number of exports per fbx file, so I don't know how it would have turned out if I exported only one file with all the animations, if that possible.
I opened one fbx with one kind of animation in 3ds max, re-skinned and exported the file again, through 3dxchange back in iclone and the animation works. GOOD GOOD GOOD!
But, if i want to apply the same animation from the motion files of the standard wolf, i get the same message: incompatible avatar. So i guess I have to export, re-skin, and export back in iclone for every animation. ?
If that is the only option, is there a way I can save this motions in iclone to be able to mix and match them together? Merge the same character with different animations together?
Again, thanks a lot for the support!!!! ;)
By Rampa - 8 Years Ago
How are you getting the motion files from the wolf? I thought it was a prop, so the motion files would be embedded. Is it actually an avatar?
By paolo.gentilini - 8 Years Ago
Yes, the wolf is an avatar,with its own motions. ?
By landquest - 3 Years Ago
How can anyone defend this company that creates so many pay walls and act like gatekeepers for "content" including plugins like 3D Xchange where to do the most basic function of "exporting" (which nearly every 3D app includes for free), you need to shovel out even MORE money??