I've been using FBX export/import to bring some items from DAZ into iClone. Usually I go by way of 3DX. Today for the first time, just to go a little faster, and since CC can supposedly import FBX, I thought I'd try importing the FBX file straight into CC. I was blocked. CC wanted to see my "fbxkey."
DAZ did not furnish me with an fbxkey when I bought the content, and there are no options to generate one. A search produced no fbxkeys on my system.
DAZ docs were no help, and I've been unable to find an explanation on this forum.
So, I passed the item through 3DX and it worked fine as usual. All's well that ends well, they say. I'm left with an uncomfortable feeling, though. What kind of ceremony was CC asking for? I'll feel a lot better when I can see some sense in this.
Thanks in advance, all.
"Less clicks good, more clicks bad."