By R Ham - 9 Years Ago
I've been using FBX export/import to bring some items from DAZ into iClone. Usually I go by way of 3DX. Today for the first time, just to go a little faster, and since CC can supposedly import FBX, I thought I'd try importing the FBX file straight into CC. I was blocked. CC wanted to see my "fbxkey."
DAZ did not furnish me with an fbxkey when I bought the content, and there are no options to generate one. A search produced no fbxkeys on my system. DAZ docs were no help, and I've been unable to find an explanation on this forum.
So, I passed the item through 3DX and it worked fine as usual. All's well that ends well, they say. I'm left with an uncomfortable feeling, though. What kind of ceremony was CC asking for? I'll feel a lot better when I can see some sense in this.
Thanks in advance, all.
By Rampa - 9 Years Ago
You cannot import a DAZ character into CC. CC can only import CC characters. The FBX keys are available if you export an FBX from CC (it generates them), or download the FBX character templates from RL (they are included).
For DAZ characters, you can only use 3DX as your doing.
By Delerna - 9 Years Ago
See here for some details from reallusion
By R Ham - 9 Years Ago
rampa (11/3/2016) You cannot import a DAZ character into CC. CC can only import CC characters. The FBX keys are available if you export an FBX from CC (it generates them), or download the FBX character templates from RL (they are included).
For DAZ characters, you can only use 3DX as your doing.
I've given up on importing the Genesis characters for the time being. I've been importing props and hair fairly successfully. It was a pair of eyeglasses that stopped CC in its tracks. Thanks.
By R Ham - 9 Years Ago
This is pretty much what I suspected. It seems odd that my Forum Search on "fbxkey" didn't pick this up.
Thanks for your help.
By GILLETTD - 8 Years Ago
Well, i bought 3dxpipeline and can't import any hair from poser ... it seems that character creator populates the fbx file with whole body info and then complains about it when trying to import the character with hair??? please explain how import hair to crazytalk 8 through the whole pipeline ..this is really becoming frustrating now .. i have invested in iclone thinking it could be a rapid 3d tool but ...hmmmm ..yet to be confirmed
By vidi - 8 Years Ago
Well, i bought 3dxpipeline and can't import any hair from poser ... it seems that character creator populates the fbx file with whole body info and then complains about it when trying to import the character with hair???
it works only with CC Character . You must rig the Cloth on this Charcter in a external programm like Blender or Maya But in your case , for Hair you can it simply attach as accessory in iClone
By rosevfx - 8 Years Ago
Just want to import some FBX file of my own from Blender. No can do because of "FbxKey". Search for "how to import FBX into CC tutorial"? No such thing ... Disappointed? Feeling like trashing RL for my game project? Understatement.
By Rampa - 8 Years Ago
Character creator is a character system. It cannot load random FBX files. It can only load Characters that it itself has generated. That is, it requires a specific skeleton and body meshes.
The reason it has FBX import is for importing said skeleton and body meshes with additional clothing meshes attached. The clothing must be rigged/weighted to the CC skeleton in an outside program, like Blender or Maya.
To import random (non CC) FBX files, you will need 3DXchange Pro. Any other character, from DAZ or wherever, can also be imported and characterized (re-targeted) using 3DXchange Pro.
If you need to export FBX or BVH, then you would need 3DXchange Pipeline.
By Delerna - 8 Years Ago
rosevfx I think it can get a bit confusing for new users of iClone. The name Character Creator kind of sounds like what you use to create your own characters.
For many years reallusion has had iClone for animating characters and 3DXchange as the tool for importing and exporting your own character, prop etc models into and out of iClone. 3DXchange is the tool you need to be using for what you are trying to achieve and not Character Creator.
Character Creator is a relatively new addition that has been added to iclone and the way I see it is that its major purpose is to enable animators to create their own characters by using morph sliders similar to DAZ, and not have to be modellers. Just like DAZ all characters created in CC must be made from single mesh/bone design. Even more recently CC has been given the ability for us to model our own clothes and that is what it imports FBX files for. You must export the base CC character and use it to model the clothes on. Then you can import that same character back into CC with the clothes. It is also possible to shape the characters body in tools like Blender but you cannot remove or add vertices to the body. You can only move them to form a shape.
So as stated, for what you are trying to do you need to learn to use 3DXchange and, as stated by Rampa, you will need the Pipeline version
By esimacio - 8 Years Ago
This is ofcourse so that you have to buy their 3dxchange package. realy a bad business strategy
By vidi - 8 Years Ago
That is no secret to need 3D xchange pipe if you want export Content to another 3DTool, but for create Clothing and the fbxkey you can use these free Templates from this side .
By animagic - 8 Years Ago
esimacio (11/8/2017) This is ofcourse so that you have to buy their 3dxchange package. realy a bad business strategy It's wise to get your facts straight before commenting. The FBX key has nothing to do with 3DXchange.
By oatt - 8 Years Ago
I'm wondering how you generate an FBX Key for a model that you want to bring in from outside?
By oatt - 8 Years Ago
What is the W-W-H about the FBX Key need?
By wires - 8 Years Ago
slide47b (12/24/2017) I'm wondering how you generate an FBX Key for a model that you want to bring in from outside?
What sort of model do you want to bring in, and where do you want to bring in to - Character Creator or iClone?
To use a model in iClone there is no requirement to have an FBX key for the file. iClone can not import FBX files, these need to be first converted in 3DXchange and then saved/exported as iClone files - 3DXchange does this automatically.
Character Creator doesn't import any Character files created from scratch in another software, these need to be imported and converted in 3DXchange and then sent to iClone.
The requirements and needs for using and generating an FBX key have been explained in several posts in this thread already.
By wires - 8 Years Ago
slide47b (12/24/2017) What is the W-W-H about the FBX Key need?
Just what does W-W-H mean??????
By oatt - 8 Years Ago
Sorry, but I'm missing something... As practice, I tried to bring in an outside model (an IronMan from turboSquid from an OBJ file). I import it into 3DX fine, then apply to iClone7. It imports, but I cannot apply any animation to it without getting this message: "Cannot replace motion: Invalid file or avatar not compatible." If I save out an FBX, then try to open it in CC, I get the "need a key" message...but I don't have key...I don't even have a CLUE. (thanx) -k
By oatt - 8 Years Ago
Apologies Wires, it's short for "What-Why-How"...not a well-known abbreviation, sorry...I'm from the 7th Level (and you know how weird we can be!) Hah! Ha... Huh?
By oatt - 8 Years Ago
Don't get frightened Wires, by "7th Level" I meant Illinois.
By vidi - 8 Years Ago
If I save out an FBX, then try to open it in CC, I get the "need a key" message...but I don't have key...I don't even have a CLUE. as already mentioned it works only with CC Character.
By Kelleytoons - 8 Years Ago
The Ironman character -- did you characterize it in 3DXChange? This is the option "Convert to non-standard" inside of the Character section.
You will need to do this in order to apply any motions to it. Those motions (in the library) are made for iClone characters, and so you need to take whatever rigged character you have and convert it first. This may or may not be easy, but you can read all about it in the help file (basically it just means you assign bones to the right section to iClone knows what is what -- there are standard "rigs" that you can select from the dropdown, or you can manually choose each bone).
By oatt - 8 Years Ago
Also, an important detail: As Kelleytoons pointed out to me, the subject needs to be characterized in 3DX, under the Character tab I have no options available (all greyed out). Thank You.
By vidi - 8 Years Ago
as already mentioned the FBX key has nothing to do with 3DXchange.
I have no options available (all greyed out). Do the imported Character have Bones ?
By psytgm - 8 Years Ago
I also meet with the same problem.
By vidi - 8 Years Ago
in respect of "What is FBXKEY?"
By R Ham - 7 Years Ago
I just upgraded to CC2. I see it still has the same crippled "FBX Import." If Reallusion does not wish to use industry standard import procedure, they need to give the file type a different name. To do otherwise is misleading.
By vidi - 7 Years Ago
I see it still has the same lack of understanding how it works
By R Ham - 7 Years Ago
vidi (3/31/2018) I see it still has the same lack of understanding how it works There is no need to be unpleasant about it. I think you know it is not right to intentionally cripple a widely used industry standard, and then pretend you are in compliance with that standard by calling yours by the same name. What do they say in German? "If there was no such word as IF..."
By animagic - 7 Years Ago
It would be helpful if you explained what is crippled about it. FBX import in CC serves a specific purpose, which is perfectly alright. That doesn't make it "non-standard".
"Industry standard" is also a bit of a misnomer, given that Autodesk willy-nilly changes the specs, which are proprietary. A real standard isn't something that doesn't change every year (FBX 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015...:crazy: ) You do it right once with input from various industrial parties and then be done for the next 10 years. There are myriads documented cases of programs that have or have had trouble with this so-called standard (Blender and DAZ come to mind, for example).