Grimhilda (1/25/2014)
Hi Armstrong, As they say 'fools rush in where angels fear to tread'. Your post about dynamic cloth not reflecting was made a long way back ... but ...
Is it possible that your cloth was only textured on one side and it was the 'blank' face that was (naturally) failing to reflect? (Asked cringingly).
1. With the Reallusion forum having been around for approximately seven years and the total post count being several hundred thousand in total, and that many ofthe pioneering posts are no longer archived, it's therefpore feasable to assume that failings may have been voiced more than once but more over that I cannot possibly have encountered or remembered them all collectievly.
In my favour, Reallusion are human too and therefore sometimes reminders , or, mor eimportantly, accumulative count on collectively suffered failings by thier customers, is an important memory nudge that may gain corrective measure in administering a more beneficial interface for us to work with that allows our failings corrected.
In theory.
2. Lgically, seeing that the plane used for the roses does not reflect, we can only say that because we a) see the roses from our given perspective and that b) the water does not mimick the inverted rendering.
Were it so that the plane was only 1 sided and that that plane didnt reflect therefore, we would not be able to see the roses in the first place because it would be THAT plane/face that was inviisble to the water and embarrassment would not be suffered.
The fact that we CAN See the roses means that one of the tqwo faces of the cloth, even if the cloth has been set as one sided, IS rendered towards the camera, and that this rendered surface is therefore NOT copy-rendered on the surface representing water.
Sometimes alternate thinking and paralell thought dont walk hand in hand with logic. When they do and you couple this with imagination you end up with applications like iClone. I can only point out the simple things top Reallusion.
They cannot possibly be expected to put the software through every potential end case scenario to perfect areas of non conformace.