Wishful Content

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By Peter (RL) - 12 Years Ago
Wishful Content

iClone has already built up a large library of varied content but there's always room for more.

Please share your ideas for new content right here in this thread. What can we add to make iClone even greater. Please let us know your thoughts. Smile

By AverageJoe - 12 Years Ago
Over the weekend I was looking for different combat motion libraries, and came upon a startling discovery. Most, if not all, the combat motion libraries available frpom RL and even the City Marketplace all take one side of the combat. There's a whole slew of kicks, and punches, and different combat moves from the aggressor or the hitter, but not nearly as many available for the victim, or the hit-ee. Take a look at the combat packs, and they're very very one sided. Oh sure you might find the rare motion of the guy who was just kicked or punched, but they're are very rare. Hardly any motions for being knocked out, harldy any motions for the loser of the fight...

So my content wish is for more balanced combat packs, with plenty of hits, and kicks but just as many falls and impacts...
By Rampa - 12 Years Ago
I would like to see RL offer a pack of motions that are brief gestures, like yawn, cup hands and yell, scratch, clap, write, any small gestures of idle-realism.

They should work with the "Motion Puppet" so they can be combined with other gestures using the masking.

I think converting the existing communication pack to "Motion Puppet" would be far more useful than where it resides currently.

Unless, of course, the masking and layering feature were added to the "Mix Moves".Tongue
By hutchartwork - 12 Years Ago
What I'd love to see is a pack of motions that would come in handy for period pieces --- aside from those featuring fasting medieval monks, sword-wielding knights and damsels in distress --- which already abound in iClone circles for some weird reason, LOL (such as 19th-c. waltzing (both partners' steps and body movements), minuet dancing, bowing 18th-c.-style/retreating backwards from a room/stepping into and out of a horse coach, or, say, 20th-century dancing, from Ragtime to Charleston to the Jitterbug to Rock and Roll to the Twist to the mid-Sixties Frug on up to Seventies disco, you name it). All that's been offered as yet is post-millennial kiddie stuff such as Hip-Hop, etc., which I have no intention in using. :/
By bluemidget666 - 12 Years Ago
I want SPACE ! planets, black holes, nebulla, terrains of alien worlds, think Star Treak origanal series ! ....
By mjordy - 12 Years Ago
How about more realistic looking characters and animals and movie quality motions that we can use even in Iclone 4 Pro to create more realistic 3d movies that will inspire other Iclone users to try using Iclone more to start creating a lot more great 3D animations and movies,than just collect a useless amount of creatures and avatars that only clog the valuable resources of our PCs.
I mean, and not to put down Iclone movie makers,some are very competent! but when you see a movie with "jerky" animations,you can almost guess it was "done in Iclone":w00t
By Peter (RL) - 12 Years Ago
Thanks everyone for taking the time to share your content wishes. Please keep them coming. Smile
By planetstardragon - 12 Years Ago
I like the way the physics plug ins are laid out, would love to see a weather tool.....while it's nice that I can do rain and snow with particle effects ....it can be a bit of a task because these weather effects only cover a small section ...now some of these ideas are pretty ambitious but i'm just thinking of what would be very cool to have without regard to technology lol Wink

a plug in tool....that has things like

Lightning - with faders to adjust like the physics props for thick / thin ...close or distant ....small steaks ...or big flashes of light that light up the whole screen but you don't really see the lightning. ....with a tap button to be able to manually tap a lightning strike ...or timed intervals with random flashes.....also being able to animate or select textures to make blue / white or red lightning....

rain - with adjustments that make it either a light drizzle or a heavy pouring rain ...maybe even an option to splash water on the camera to really have that immersive effect ...or for that matter animate a drizzle turning into a flat out tsumani ....that reacts to wind and either falls straight down or you can animate with a fader angle or circular motions....with light or heavy splash effects on the camera - guildwars 2 has this very cool camera water splash effect when you come out of the water thats exactly what i mean, when you come out of the water ...even though it's a game...you feel wet!! lol

Snow...- same like rain

Wind - would be ice to have a wind effect that blows soft body props and particle effects such as rain in the wind - settings that are either a soft breeze or a hurricane that blows cars around in linear and circular motions

Hail - being able to adjust both the physics tool and the particle effects tools to change rain to other things like Hail or even falling leaves ....and being able to have it react to wind - such as swirling leaves ....like a windy day in the park where the leaves are falling off of trees and blowing around in a circular motion

Day / night - where the lights can be automated to simulate dawn to dusk in a physics prop like fader - a use for this would be like the onset of a storm when things get dark fast ...a gust of wind starts to blow everything around ...and a light drizzle turns into a hurricane like condition.

Clouds - where you can automate cloud movement in the sky ...also with the option to go from fluffy white clouds to menacing thunderstorm clouds through automation.

Fog - where you can animate a thin morning mist into a dense blinding fog - such as a ship at sea that heads into the bermuda triangle ...at first it's clear ..then a thin mist then a dense fog!

again...I have no idea how feasible these all are ..but one can dream!! Hehe
By RobertoColombo - 12 Years Ago
What about an extension of special effects library ? Something that can come close to the effect that can be created with HitFilm...

Apart from this, I really would like to see a better Director Mode, which has on-screen movement and perform control likewise we have for the Physic Tool package.
The WASD keys are not as user-friendly as some on-screen set of controllers...

By Shaky - 12 Years Ago
I really like the motion puppets, but I wish there was a puppet for hands and feet.
By ContentDude - 12 Years Ago
wizaerd (5/29/2012)
Over the weekend I was looking for different combat motion libraries, and came upon a startling discovery. Most, if not all, the combat motion libraries available frpom RL and even the City Marketplace all take one side of the combat. There's a whole slew of kicks, and punches, and different combat moves from the aggressor or the hitter, but not nearly as many available for the victim, or the hit-ee. Take a look at the combat packs, and they're very very one sided. Oh sure you might find the rare motion of the guy who was just kicked or punched, but they're are very rare. Hardly any motions for being knocked out, harldy any motions for the loser of the fight...

So my content wish is for more balanced combat packs, with plenty of hits, and kicks but just as many falls and impacts...

Actually, there are a bunch of packs that covered victim, hit and defeated motions in both Content Store and Marketplace.  Here are a list of them:

Fantasy: Dungeon Quest and Evil Force http://www.reallusion.com/ContentStore/csproduct.aspx?contentid=icmFEFtribe

Medieval: Hundred Years War http://www.reallusion.com/ContentStore/csproduct.aspx?contentid=icmDefeatedSoldier

Horror: http://www.reallusion.com/ContentStore/csproduct.aspx?contentid=AIC300DIENU030120100507001

and more...

By Andronizer - 12 Years Ago
I hope that in the next version of iClone it`ll be possible to import camera movements (from Boujou, Syntheyes...), so it will become a really powerful program!
By Peter (RL) - 12 Years Ago
wizaerd (5/29/2012)
Over the weekend I was looking for different combat motion libraries, and came upon a startling discovery. Most, if not all, the combat motion libraries available frpom RL and even the City Marketplace all take one side of the combat. There's a whole slew of kicks, and punches, and different combat moves from the aggressor or the hitter, but not nearly as many available for the victim, or the hit-ee. Take a look at the combat packs, and they're very very one sided. Oh sure you might find the rare motion of the guy who was just kicked or punched, but they're are very rare. Hardly any motions for being knocked out, harldy any motions for the loser of the fight...

So my content wish is for more balanced combat packs, with plenty of hits, and kicks but just as many falls and impacts...

Just to add to what ContentDude said earlier, you can use the Marketplace Catalog to find certain categories of content. Just click the link below and select "Victim" to find the content available.


By Peter (RL) - 12 Years Ago
RobertoColombo (6/4/2012)
What about an extension of special effects library ? Something that can come close to the effect that can be created with HitFilm...

Apart from this, I really would like to see a better Director Mode, which has on-screen movement and perform control likewise we have for the Physic Tool package.
The WASD keys are not as user-friendly as some on-screen set of controllers...


Future updates to iClone5 will try to add a "Hot Key" mode to improve functionality in Director Mode. Smile

By sjonesdc - 12 Years Ago
One wishful content is a set of cloneCloth (for those of us who do not use 3Ds Max) that responds to the motion of the character, for example, templates for open jackets/shirts, so that when the character is walking, the open jacket/shirt would react to the wind. 
By DELETED2 - 12 Years Ago
ALLOW repurchase of items online.


I needed a set, I could not relocate it. I lost two hours hunting. For the sake of a few dollars I could have repurchased it and carried on with the work at hand.


By DELETED2 - 12 Years Ago
When hitting the DELETE ALL ANIMATION button, make it so that where we're stopped on the timeline becomes frame 1.

That is, on a 30 second take, at the progressive point of frame 900 (30 seconds @ 30 fps) we hit DELETE ALL ANIMATION and THAT frame becomes frame 1 BUT everything IN that take moment is kept.

Result? Progressive take by take progress espeially in conversations where elements of the scene are adapted to its forward momentum.
Benefits: It cancels out the timeloss of rebuild / reposition of props and characters.


By Peter (RL) - 12 Years Ago
Armstrong (10/31/2012)
ALLOW repurchase of items online.


I needed a set, I could not relocate it. I lost two hours hunting. For the sake of a few dollars I could have repurchased it and carried on with the work at hand.


Hi Armstrong,

All your purchased content packs should show up in your Member Account. There you will find a download link that you can use to re-download anything you can no longer locate. Likewise for the Marketplace, all your purchases show up in the Inventory where you can select them again and download.

By DELETED2 - 12 Years Ago
i Peter,  I DID look, but I couldn't findit at the time. I'll recheck! Ta!
By Shaky - 12 Years Ago
I would like to see better glass material, or a different way of doing glass. To me, that is the weakest part of iClone. Well, that and water. BigGrin
By BOLPHUNGA - 12 Years Ago
Andronizer (7/25/2012)
I hope that in the next version of iClone it`ll be possible to import camera movements (from Boujou, Syntheyes...), so it will become a really powerful program!

camera import and export would be awesome,
By cmbubak - 11 Years Ago
To: Peter Edwards

I have been waiting over a decade for these features!

1.     dynamic water

2.     collision for the total character

3.     facial movement for daz characters

Then it would be possible to make commercial products.  When is iclone 6 scheduled for appx. release?

By thebiz.movies - 11 Years Ago
Many more motions added to the motion puppet panel. I love the ability to mask out certain body parts from the motions and the ability to use a mouse or adjust the sliders for unique motions. Good functionality. Give us more!

A night sky. Best Ive seen is warlords nigh skyglobe but it would be great to have an improved one (twinkly stars, better resolution).

Improved fog. Never liked the look.

The ability to exaggerate the lip sync. Sometimes its just too subtle.
By Rampa - 11 Years Ago
thebiz.movies (1/14/2013)
Many more motions added to the motion puppet panel. I love the ability to mask out certain body parts from the motions and the ability to use a mouse or adjust the sliders for unique motions. Good functionality. Give us more!

I agree with you! Seems like the Communications 200 pack should have lived here rather than Mix Moves. But you can add any motions you want quite easily. Have a look at these postings. They also give information on creating new folders.


Good luck! It is well worth creating a good library of common motions. This is kind of equivalent to the Gesturizer in Moviestorm, but far more powerful.BigGrin
By Xodroc - 11 Years Ago
Not exactly content unless a plugin counts, probably been requested before too.

Support for 3D Mouse such as 3DConnexion SpaceNavigator for both navigating a scene and moving objects/posing characters.
By Shaky - 11 Years Ago
What is really needed is left handed motions. Like shooting a gun left handed.
By BiggsTrek - 11 Years Ago
Here's what I'd like: a Clone Cloth variation for both Chuck and Gwynn (G5 male and female) that would allow me to make an Overall or Coverall outfit. Possibly as a single Clone Cloth (Upper and Lower combined?)

Basically, I don't want there to be a gap between the Upper and Lower (where it looks like the character has their shirt permanently untucked!)

The closest we have now is the Body Suit (skin tight Upper and Lower) which doesn't work for me. I need the Upper and Lower portions to be baggy or loose, not super tight.

This would also have worked for my recent SpaceSuit that I created. If you look at the picture below, you'll see I had to strategically place a toroid about the character's waist to cover up the gap between the Clone Cloth Upper and Lower (I think I used the Hoodie Upper and Casual Lower here - but don't quote me).

By Shaky - 11 Years Ago
biggstrek, what about something like this?


By BiggsTrek - 11 Years Ago
Shaky (2/1/2013)
biggstrek, what about something like this?


Thanks Shaky! I had considered that for the SpaceSuit (and it would have worked), though it doesn't address a need for the female equivalent. And it's not just a Spacesuit I'm trying to create... I was trying to make a specific costume from a Star Trek episode that needed a full length female "overall" or "coverall" base.

EDIT: This one...

By Shaky - 11 Years Ago
I think I have something like that. I'll post it, when I find it. :-)

BTW I love that episode.
By martok2112 - 11 Years Ago
But remember, front cleavage only....no side cleavage....


this isn't the sixties anymore.

Knock yourself out. Smile
By DELETED2 - 11 Years Ago
After over hald a decade of life I would like to see iClone finally allow me to take a simple, very simple block primitive, and pull it at one end to be rounded.
I'd like to take one of the basic primitives and bend it into a simple curve.

I know there are simple softwares out there that'll allow this and then export it as an importable object but....... I want to work in one studio in one house.

By mtakerkart - 11 Years Ago
My 2 cents...

Just update what you've done:
-More than 4 lights
-Broadcast shadow and occlusion
-True Earthsculptor export terrain with multiple tiling-texture

-Speedtree import with wind motion
-motion blur

That's it!

Marc T
By Shaky - 11 Years Ago
biggstrek, I found it, but it is also male. So, we do need overalls for females.
By martok2112 - 11 Years Ago
We need females overall. Smile

By DELETED2 - 11 Years Ago
IF then.... for arguments sake, as I am NOT a modeller in the complex sense of the word, we can make it so that Reallusion include a phenominal number of primitives in about every geometric shape and size the imagination can handle it would be a good half way  point for non-modellers to hold some deggree of self respect in the modelling archiotectural world of Animagtion where they CAN design their own trees, buildings and accessories.

We already have the block basics,  we simply need MORE because iClone has become more, its features have become more and out abilities are waiting to become more ith it all.


By martok2112 - 11 Years Ago
Indeed, if iClone did possess more "modeling" app capabilities, it would be an even more formidable program than it already is.

It was sad when I tried to make some props based out of the primitives in iClone, when I was having problems making shapes stop "skewing" when I'd try to attach them to each other (until I discovered a couple of tricks to prevent such from happening), and of course, the inability to re-scale a single side of a primitive shape was discouraging. That's why I got Blender.

But yes, for those who are not quite ready to dabble in full on model making with external apps, a few nice steps forward for iClone to be able to alter primitives on a more detailed level would be a good starting point for such folk. Smile
By Shaky - 11 Years Ago
I would like to see iClone have the ability to take two primitives and use one to cut into the other like they do in Vue. They call it a Boolean object.
By Peter (RL) - 11 Years Ago
Thank you for all your feedback and suggestions.

As always these will be passed to the iClone team to review.

Please do remember that this is the Wishful Content thread. Please let us know the new content you wish to see not new features. There is a separate forum for posting those.

By NanOKurT - 11 Years Ago

By DELETED2 - 11 Years Ago
We could do with primitives and etc in iClone that can handle far higher resolutions so that those who model in Iclone can do so with superior results to whats available from version 1 iclone.
I think currently they export 512 graphics across the board. Give or take.

If they could handle 1000px instead of 512 would be a start.
By Peter Blood - 11 Years Ago
I have to agree with Doug. Smile More primitives! Several thicknesses of a "C" configuration with rounded edges, much like you have with the torus. Some lower poly spheres (ball) would be nice. Unusual shapes are sweet. Now when you're talking bendables and props that can be re-scaled on 1 end w00t ,  you're talking about the Holy Grails of primitives. If it can be done, Please please please do it. Seriously, I'm begging you. Wink

And...Some realistic, more up to date, large, fantasy creatures. Tongue They don't have to look as good as Daz, but there hasn't been anything since the 'big kiddie monster' in the G1 Dungeon Quest Pack. Pinch Those of us who like doing heroic fantasy have nothing. Would Luke Skywalkers' killing of the Rancor beast have been as thrilling if he had killed the Cookie Monster that comes with iclone? C'mon reallusion, new features are nice and all, but make some 'bad ***' monsters and villians for us to play with. Satisfied

I have more but I'll space them out. lol BigGrin

Cool pete

By animagic - 11 Years Ago
Armstrong (2/24/2013)
We could do with primitives and etc in iClone that can handle far higher resolutions so that those who model in Iclone can do so with superior results to whats available from version 1 iclone.
I think currently they export 512 graphics across the board. Give or take.

If they could handle 1000px instead of 512 would be a start.

Armstrong, using a graphics editor you can simply change the resolution of the maps. Just select Diffuse and click Launch. Then simply resize the map in your graphics editor to whatever size you want. You can then replace it with a higher quality graphic of your own liking. Or do you have something else in mind?

By DELETED2 - 11 Years Ago
[b]animagic -  Just select Diffuse and click Launch. Then simply resize the map in your graphics editor to whatever size you want. You can then replace it with a higher quality graphic of your own liking. Or do you have something else in mind?

Hi Animagic, I've tried this but the graphics I refer to are the ones where the actual sides are mapped out when exporting the difff.
Using the whole graphic and abandoning the paterning of side oriented graphics it works. But trying to make it so that for instance cubes hjave their sides accurately mapped seems to throw the whole thing off and misaligns.

I'll try again tonight. But the object seems to dissallow increased texture definition.   


By rcsinger29 - 11 Years Ago
I would like to see the horror movie mask hair (leatherface) changed to a functional head without the hair. That "face" would/could be useful for lots of things, zombies, other horror characters, etc.

I tried just opacity-out the hair and fit it to an existing head but I could never get it right in fit or texture. Even if I could, it still isn't functional.
By Shaky - 11 Years Ago
I would like to be able to add a gel to the spotlights. That way I could project an image over an entire scene, like a broken canopy patterns over someone walking through the forest.
By Peter (RL) - 11 Years Ago
cmbubak (1/14/2013)
To: Peter Edwards

I have been waiting over a decade for these features!

1.     dynamic water

2.     collision for the total character

3.     facial movement for daz characters

Then it would be possible to make commercial products.  When is iclone 6 scheduled for appx. release?

Number 3 is already available in the latest 5.4 update.

And the next major release of iClone will see big improvements in points 2 & 3. Smile

By Peter (RL) - 11 Years Ago
thebiz.movies (1/14/2013)
Many more motions added to the motion puppet panel. I love the ability to mask out certain body parts from the motions and the ability to use a mouse or adjust the sliders for unique motions. Good functionality. Give us more!

A night sky. Best Ive seen is warlords nigh skyglobe but it would be great to have an improved one (twinkly stars, better resolution).

Improved fog. Never liked the look.

The ability to exaggerate the lip sync. Sometimes its just too subtle.

Thanks for your suggestions. In iClone 5.4 Updates, you can use the Motion Modify function to adjust any motions with sliders.

Also, in 5.4 update you can define the lip-sync strength. Please refer to the What's New page. http://www.reallusion.com/iclone/iclone_whatsnew_v54.aspx

By rcsinger29 - 11 Years Ago
I would love for one of the devs to create a:

Garden Tomb

Calvary Hill

Last Supper

type pack.

By DELETED2 - 11 Years Ago


... again!

I am experimenting with the Mist in Xtreme large scenes. Its just TOO dense. Perhaps because the whole viewed long distance has to be logically total "whiteout", who knows.

If we make the existing mist/fog system only 50% as dense we can use this with good effect in all size sets. Perhaps a choice of a "Global" value for 50% so that from front 1000 thru back 22000 the absolute value is only 50% of what it is NOW!

Expanding on this we could have 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% densities compared to what is now in place.

We need a slight degree of translucency because sometimes we're not looking through Fog, which becomes absolute, we simply see Haze. There is a difference.


By DELETED2 - 11 Years Ago


I know the issue in in tune with many, but we specifically need.....

Thin pipes in a range of thicknesses. Something overlooked in the objects so far.

Some of the objects / primitives are offset regarding their X axis point so that when you try to make them thinner they become mis-shapen on a triangular plane and will NOT thin down on one axis.

My only workaround with this is to attach IT to a standard object that WILL conform correctly to resizing and then make it invisible.

Before anyone tries to correct me on this YES I know we can re-place the core axis point, but what this does NOT do is reshape along that same axis. Sounds odd, but it's true.

We need "graduated" curved pipes or "sticks". That is, something that is almost spiral-like. it starts off narrow, spirals outwards one complete turn and then stops in a spiralised growth patern.
Like "one circuit of a spiral" but flattened. The only person who'll visualise that is someone who models these objects. Smile
Thin ones and thick ones.


By kenmatthews - 11 Years Ago
Hello All,Smile

What I would find extremely useful, in fact other software (such as FrameForge) do have this facility already, is to (say) hold down Ctrl or Alt, whilst clicking on a character and a chair. This would produce a menu of actions such as, sit on chair, or stand on chair (perhaps)...Wink  Or, hold down Ctrl or Alt, whilst clicking on a character, a seat and a piano. The character sits down ready to play (maybe even plays an opening chord)... BigGrin

The possibilities are endless, and would be extremely useful to a beginner such as myself. If a developer were to produce a pack such as this, I would be first in line to buy it... w00t

My reason for this wish list? The characters do everything but operate in the way expected by me, although I do expect that's largely my fault...Crying

Best regards.


PS: Still have characters disappearing, or sinking into the floor on complex sets, causing me to lose enormous amounts of time without achieving anything...Crazy

By toonarama - 11 Years Ago
How about a human toon character generator which works in a similar way to the monster workshop
By DELETED2 - 11 Years Ago

============================== UPON REFLECTION===========================================

I've just noticed that despite my agonising struggle to document the Creation of an Architecturally accurate Jing, Qing and Yuan Chinese Dynasty garden........... there's a gaping failing.

Look at the Water. WHere are the draped Roses hanging from the Water Walkway?

The Dynamic Cloth in iClone doesn't reflect on the water. Oh Boy! I just don't believe it.  Crying

Why specifically the Dynamic Cloth. I use this because it moves in the wind like the real ones would have done as I imagined them to.

In the next version of iClone it would be good if we didn't embarrass ourselves to the Chinese with something as basic as the reflection of a prop. Unsure

By prabhatM - 11 Years Ago
Armstrong (6/17/2013)

The Dynamic Cloth in iClone doesn't reflect on the water. Oh Boy!I just don't believe it. Crying

Since your Dynamic Cloth didn't reflect on the water, my eyes were looking for the reflection of the Nude Avatar / chinese girl on the water. Was it too blurry ? Did we get the camera angle right to get that reflection ?
By DELETED2 - 11 Years Ago
w00t Tongue BigGrin Ahhh SHADDUP!

Actually, she has very pert boobies... thanks to Alley as she's one of the Chinese Low Polly Characters but, I might add from a testosteronic point of view... not SO low poly that curvature and shapeliness have been ignored. 

On THIS sideline topical.... didn't the ancient Chinese have very flat chests?  I thought they bound themselves tightly????? I ought to be the one who knows this but it's not a topic that, erm, pops out very regularly. Wink

Alley? You designed them, not me. Historical faithfulness?

By DELETED2 - 11 Years Ago
The water does have some work to be done with it!! Blush Blush Blush  

Luckily some lillies grew in just the right place.  Is there a Chinese version of The Frog Prince I wonder!? Tongue


On a serious note regarding beating the lacking reflections, I considered having upturned Water Walkways and misted the water so that it redembles a reflection but then I would need to mimic everything, swan, grass, trees, clouds, everything because I would need to turn the reflection OFF the water completely as syncing the walkway with its reflection perfectly took almost a century.

By prabhatM - 11 Years Ago
Armstrong (6/17/2013)
The water does have some work to be done with it!! BlushBlushBlush
Luckily some lillies grew in just the right place. Is there a Chinese version of The Frog Prince I wonder!? Tongue

This magical water checks if a visitor carries any hidden weapon ! She could have been an assassin ! Thank God, this beauty is not !
By DELETED2 - 11 Years Ago

Cog Wheels

Regarding content it would be very beneficial if we had some basics in global engineering as well.

Particularly in my thoughts are Cog Wheels.

Wooden, iron, chrome, and variability in their teeth also so that we can clock them together for mechanisms for bridge hoists and drawbridges etc.


By DELETED2 - 11 Years Ago
With all these special cloths about I am surprised this one has not been voiced yet.

Take a massive piece of cloth.

Now take some primitives or an avatar and lay them on the ground where youd like the Set to bump about.

Now drop the massive cloth (Textured with grass and gravel) on top of the rocks, avatars and primitives on the ground....

VOILA! (I have to type it out?)
OK! We have a superb landscape. We didn't have to even work on it.

It would be good it we could "stiffen" this so that it now does NOT flex about physically and allows itself to become terrain-ish.

By justaviking - 11 Years Ago
Armstrong (7/31/2013)

OK! We have a superb landscape. We didn't have to even work on it.

It would be good it we could "stiffen" this so that it now does NOT flex about physically and allows itself to become terrain-ish.

Interesting concept.  Could you at that point turn off the soft-cloth  physics, thus "freezing" it?  Or export it and turn it into a hard prop?  An interesting idea worth exploring.

By Peter (RL) - 11 Years Ago
Armstrong (6/17/2013)

============================== UPON REFLECTION===========================================

I've just noticed that despite my agonising struggle to document the Creation of an Architecturally accurate Jing, Qing and Yuan Chinese Dynasty garden........... there's a gaping failing.

Look at the Water. WHere are the draped Roses hanging from the Water Walkway?

The Dynamic Cloth in iClone doesn't reflect on the water. Oh Boy! I just don't believe it.  Crying

Why specifically the Dynamic Cloth. I use this because it moves in the wind like the real ones would have done as I imagined them to.

In the next version of iClone it would be good if we didn't embarrass ourselves to the Chinese with something as basic as the reflection of a prop. Unsure

I can tell you that the next version of iClone will see greater render options. This will allow you even greater creativity when building these types of scenes. Smile

By DELETED2 - 10 Years Ago
Spheroid and toroidal particle generator zones as well as the 4 planed sided ones please.



I can tell you that the next version of iClone will see greater render options. This will allow you even greater creativity when building these types of scenes.

And this is exciting.Cool

By Grimhilda - 10 Years Ago
Hi Armstrong,

As they say 'fools rush in where angels fear to tread'.  Your post about dynamic cloth not reflecting was made a long way back ... but ...

Is it possible that your cloth was only textured on one side and it was the 'blank' face that was (naturally) failing to reflect?

(Asked cringingly).

By DELETED2 - 10 Years Ago
Grimhilda (1/25/2014)
Hi Armstrong, As they say 'fools rush in where angels fear to tread'.  Your post about dynamic cloth not reflecting was made a long way back ... but ...

Is it possible that your cloth was only textured on one side and it was the 'blank' face that was (naturally) failing to reflect? (Asked cringingly).

1. With the Reallusion forum having been around for approximately seven years and the total post count being several hundred thousand in total, and that many ofthe pioneering posts are no longer archived, it's therefpore feasable to assume that  failings may have been voiced more than once but more over that I cannot possibly have encountered or remembered them all collectievly.

In my favour, Reallusion are human too and therefore sometimes reminders , or, mor eimportantly, accumulative count on collectively suffered failings by thier customers, is an important memory nudge that may gain corrective measure in administering a more beneficial interface for us to work with that allows our failings corrected.

In theory.

2. Lgically, seeing that the plane used for the roses does not reflect, we can only say that because we a) see the roses from our given perspective and that b) the water does not mimick the inverted rendering.

Were it so that the plane was only 1 sided and that that plane didnt reflect therefore,  we would not be able to see the roses in the first place because it would be THAT plane/face that was inviisble to the water and embarrassment would not be suffered.
The fact that we CAN See the roses means that one of the tqwo faces of the cloth, even if the cloth has been set as one sided, IS rendered towards the camera, and that this rendered surface is therefore NOT copy-rendered on the surface representing water.

Sometimes alternate thinking and paralell thought dont walk hand in hand with logic. When they do and you couple this with imagination you end up with applications like iClone. I can only point out the simple things top Reallusion.
They cannot possibly be expected to put the software through every potential end case scenario to perfect areas of non conformace.


By Ascensi - 10 Years Ago
Support the Leap Motion controller to be able to mocap hand/finger movements if possible. Additionally I've seen some interesting Maya + leap motion demonstrations using the hand to puppet a character's face/expression so I also imagine the use of connecting the hand parts id's to a character's hand.
By DELETED2 - 10 Years Ago
More primitives.  Much more primitives.

Branchlike primitives.
Bough like primitives.
Coils and coiled spheres.
Triangulars, diamondoids and hexagonals and dodecahedronics.

Rocklike angularities and randomly shaped stonelike sheets like sheer land cliff faces formations we can build land with.

Cliff face like sheets with the ability to super res tex them all. So nice and big too.

Curved shapes. Smoothly angular shapes like walls and floors.

By DELETED2 - 10 Years Ago

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

One element is badly missing from content.

We have avatars and monster packs where we can lipsync speech to.

What we do NOT have is a simple mouth, or suite thereof, whereby we can add the mouth to a prop, add some eyes from the monster pack and we have any prop as an avatar that has speech capability. ANY prop.

WE NEED MOUTHS. They're missing. Smile

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By Shaky - 10 Years Ago
On a stage if you shine a light onto the back of a person you will get a nice white outline around the figure. However, I cannot do that in iClone. I end up having to do it by hand afterword. I hope that the new lighting will allow me to do this kind of lighting.
By theschemer - 10 Years Ago
More DAZ character import support. Genesis 2. Wink
By rcbeltz - 10 Years Ago
Re: Wishful Content. I would love to see someone develop a series of heavy equipment and construction site animation elements. Specifically, dozers, excavators, skid-loaders and the ability to place and use them in situations related to earthmoving, demolition, and other "construction site" activities. If someone is interested in creating these much needed features and needs help to explore/explain specific issues, I'd be happy to participate. I can be contacted at rcbeltz@gmail.com if I can be of any assistance. Thanks, Randy
By stevew - 10 Years Ago
My wishes.

1. Iclone 6 for Mac....
2.When editing values allow tab to next field. ( I have to press enter and use the mouse to get to the next field).
3. Floating toolbars for all windows.
4. Drill down search in all the menus (props - animations etc). On the name & desc of props.
5. Timeline. Hover over keyframes show info in popup. (frame no - action - value etc).
6. Hot keys for play control. stop fast forward - jump to. More start stop points eg.
(5 -6 more in line with how a music sequencer works. eg press 6 to goto to bookmark 6).
7. Run multiple instance os the app. This would be great to test a sequence of events without the overload of your main project. Then simply copy and paste into the main project.
8. Same export video formats for 32 & 64 bit.
9. Export directly to youtube - vimeo - sharing etc.
10. Basic settings / preferences. Open last file - list of last opened file - auto save with version numbering (select number of saves and timing.
11. Grouping of objects and set all values at once. I have just done a project with 20 dice that I needed to set visible on off at the same time at different frames. I had select each dice turn off/on very tedious.


By Shaky - 10 Years Ago
When using the edit motion layer, we can lock the hands and feet. I would also like to be able to lock all joints. For example, I would like to move the elbow onto a table and lock it there, then move the hand or shoulder into the position I want without the elbow moving. That would be great thanks. Smile Also, if I am building a set, I would like to lock the time line to frame 1. Time after time I get done build something just to find that my time line was not on 1. It's a real drag to have to go and remove animation from everything. And if the set is large, it can make the program crash.
By animagic - 10 Years Ago
Just to make sure that these ideas don't get lost: this is the Wishful Content topic. You may want to repost in another Wishful Features topic.
By Rampa - 10 Years Ago
Shaky (8/4/2014)
When using the edit motion layer, we can lock the hands and feet. I would also like to be able to lock all joints. For example, I would like to move the elbow onto a table and lock it there, then move the hand or shoulder into the position I want without the elbow moving. That would be great thanks. Smile Also, if I am building a set, I would like to lock the time line to frame 1. Time after time I get done build something just to find that my time line was not on 1. It's a real drag to have to go and remove animation from everything. And if the set is large, it can make the program crash.

You can't do every bone, but there are 15 you can lock. Locking is also called "pinning". Think of it as "pinning in place", rather than "to something". There are 2 check boxes for setting pinning of translation and rotation. A "T", or an "R", or both will show in the circle indicator of the pinned bone.

The little lock symbols are just a quick way to check/un-check those boxes on the hands and feet.

Now, if we just had 15 reach targets........
By justaviking - 10 Years Ago
rampa (8/5/2014)
Shaky (8/4/2014)
When using the edit motion layer, we can lock the hands and feet. I would also like to be able to lock all joints. For example, I would like to move the elbow onto a table and lock it there, then move the hand or shoulder into the position I want without the elbow moving. That would be great thanks. Smile Also, if I am building a set, I would like to lock the time line to frame 1. Time after time I get done build something just to find that my time line was not on 1. It's a real drag to have to go and remove animation from everything. And if the set is large, it can make the program crash.

You can't do every bone, but there are 15 you can lock. Locking is also called "pinning". Think of it as "pinning in place", rather than "to something". There are 2 check boxes for setting pinning of translation and rotation. A "T", or an "R", or both will show in the circle indicator of the pinned bone.

The little lock symbols are just a quick way to check/un-check those boxes on the hands and feet.

Now, if we just had 15 reach targets........

Two questions:

1) Where do you lock the 15 joints?  On the "Edit Motion" panel you can do hands and feet.  Where would you do elbow, knee, or shoulder?

2) Is there any technique to lock something after the fact?  I'll elaborate...

Avatar had hands on table.  You move him around, but forgot the "Lock" the hands, so they move and rotate a bit.  After carefully doing all the other work, can you now go back and make the hand stay in one spot?

For example:  See this video at 4:20 to 4:28.  I'd like the right hand to "stick" to the door.  I simply forgot about the "lock" and I manually positioned the hand back into the correct postion in a few places Blush, but it still moves around some as the shoulder moves.

This link should start the video at the correct location.


By Rampa - 10 Years Ago

In the "Edit Motion Layer" panel, on the left is the figure with the 15 little circles, and on the right are a few options, and the hand controls. Notice that some of the circles have "T","R", or both in them. Select any circle (including the ones with locks) and you can enable/disable the lock for both the "T" (translation) and "R" (rotation) with the check boxes on the right labeled "Pinning"

I think that a reach target would be the best solution for keeping Pin's hand firmly set. Add a dummy prop about where you want his hand to be, and enable reach target for his right hand with it reaching for the dummy prop. You'll need to enable "rotation" for the reach. "Rotation" will lock his hand to the dummy, which you then can rotate to position and move Pin's hand.

Reach targets override everything else AFAIK.
By justaviking - 10 Years Ago


I guess my eyes were so focused on the "padlock" icons I didn't think about the other things.

The "reach" idea sounds like a great solution to lock his hand in place after-the-fact.


I sure did feel foolish when I "rediscovered" the locks on the Edit Motion panel.  I hadn't done a lot of "real" animation before doing my Pinhead project (I mostly played around with individual controls without a specific goal in mine) so I tended to forget about some of the useful features until after I'd already done things the hard way.

By Shaky - 10 Years Ago
rampa (8/5/2014)
Shaky (8/4/2014)
When using the edit motion layer, we can lock the hands and feet. I would also like to be able to lock all joints. For example, I would like to move the elbow onto a table and lock it there, then move the hand or shoulder into the position I want without the elbow moving. That would be great thanks. Smile Also, if I am building a set, I would like to lock the time line to frame 1. Time after time I get done build something just to find that my time line was not on 1. It's a real drag to have to go and remove animation from everything. And if the set is large, it can make the program crash.

You can't do every bone, but there are 15 you can lock. Locking is also called "pinning". Think of it as "pinning in place", rather than "to something". There are 2 check boxes for setting pinning of translation and rotation. A "T", or an "R", or both will show in the circle indicator of the pinned bone.

The little lock symbols are just a quick way to check/un-check those boxes on the hands and feet.

Now, if we just had 15 reach targets........

Okay, now I will have to go and play with that. I hope it doesn't make me go blind. ;-) Thanks! It's amazing the things I miss.
By Step Animations - 10 Years Ago
I would like iclone to add the feature of modelling, so we can create characters and props from scratch easily. Or we can morph them like Daz studio for example. Secondly, I would like to see a new facial animation feature like the upcoming Facerig( you can search it on google), so we could animate lips and head of the characters by using a webcam at the same time. At last, iclone has the fastest rendering process comparing to other 3d softwares (correct me if i'm wrong), but I would like to see higher quality to the exported media. These are my wishesSmile
By Sifr - 10 Years Ago
Shame on Shaky and justaviking for being vets and not knowing the functions of the edit motion layer... and I'm still trying to figure out how to make a joint return to its original animation position in the next continuing frames after adjusting a keyframe in the animation.

Now to suggest a "kudos" content suggestion and maybe satisfy rampa's request, & at the same time mine as well.... oh to kill a mockingbird LLAL.Wink

You see, I recently purchased Toon Maker 1 & 2 combo w/free Avatar Toolkit 2 Builder, the builder is to be delivered on Sept. 26th... oh joy joy, can't wait to use it with my Maya LT subscription for bone map rigging; bear with me this has a "kudos" moment in here somewhere. So I noticed that in the Content Store RL categorizes Toon Maker 1 & 2 as plugins, but oddly Avatar Toolkit 2, Mocap Plug-in, and Facial Pipeline Character packs are absent from the Plug-in category. The latter, which will be my next purchase with this 50% off coupon I received after purchasing the Toon combo pack, has never been advertized as a plug-in to my knowledge, but being that it automates several 3dxchange pipeline import processes, like Daz automated lip sync and Maya Ik Game bone Template ect., which is what plugins do right?, automate; it should be considered a plugin as well. Or are these considered Content Developer Resources? The reason for the absence from the Content Store?
Anyway, I figure I'd start making some "Plugin" content with the Avatar Toolkit 2, being that Toon Maker 1 & 2 were made with the Toon Builder save the character body rig, hints the reasoning for my next purchase. With the purchase of these "Developer Plugins", and maybe Physics Toolbox Plugin, if it will be compatible with Physx in iClone 6, then I will have an almost seamless asset creation pipeline.

Anyway, back to my "kudos" content suggestion, I was studying the Avatar Toolkit 2 video tutorials in preparations to create "my plugins" for iClone and then it hit me like a bolt of lightning ( Pause)...... "like what?".... "like a bolt of lightning!"w00t I pondered, if the same bone mapping process the Avatar Toolkit 2 Builder uses to map accessories can (Pause)........ "wait for it""wait for it".... you ready for this one Rampa? Use the same mapping process in the Avatar Toolkit 2 Builder to map bone hierarchy in the body rig and make Avatar body rig controllers. In "pro" 3-D animation programs, and I use the term "pro" loosely, let's call them "Industry Standard" for fairness, because Maya LT is "Indie" and it has the ability as a stand for indie game asset creation industry; animation rig controllers are not uncommon and sometimes it's a necessity. Hopefully this matches the idea you were conveying Rampa, but if not, and if this is not already possible with "Avatar Toolkit2 Builder", which is not the same as "Avatar Toolkit Controller", which is a free end user asset; then I this is my content request.Coolw00t

Although I won't physically own Avatar Toolkit 2 until Sept. 26th (waiting with baited breath), So, I don't actually know if maybe it is already possible. Does anyone already owning Avatar Toolkit 2 " paid plugin" know if it is possible? Vidi?... Armstrong maybe?... Peter?
By justaviking - 10 Years Ago
Sifr (9/7/2014)
Shame on Shaky and justaviking for being vets and not knowing the functions of the edit motion layer... and I'm still trying to figure out how to make a joint return to its original animation position in the next continuing frames after adjusting a keyframe in the animation.

Yes, I hung my head in shame (and turned slightly away in embarasment).  Blush

It's no defense, but I do remember playing with the Edit Motion locks a long time ago when I was first exploring iClone, but hadn't had a need for them for many months.  Having merely explored them, but not actually "used" them for anything serious, they weren't part of my routine.  So while I was animating and gradually got deeper and deeper into the keyframing, I just kept on doing what I was doing, the way I was doing it, and was to busy see what was right in front of me.

I was stuck in a rut.

That's a risk we (or at least, "I") run when sitting alone in a room with nobody to walk by and slap you on the head and tell you there's an easier/better way of doing something.

By myless76 - 10 Years Ago
Yeah sometimes you can get lost in your own little world doing this stuff, the first way you learned to do it, and forget there might be a simpler/faster way to get something done!
By bluemidget666 - 10 Years Ago
Hi peeps not wanting to be rude here but this thread needs a etcha sketch ending..

What content would people like to see developed ?BigGrin
By animagic - 10 Years Ago
Thanks, blue!

I tried to point out that this is the wishful content thread several posts ago, to no avail...Unsure

As this is related to content, I would like standard ethnicity variations with the new avatars, in the way that MakeHuman has it.

I would also like a FaceGen plugin to create heads. This exist already for DAZ.

So basically, more built-in customization options for character-related content. 

By davidktimperley - 10 Years Ago
Last time I was looking for Anime in the content library, I think the only decent models were of a J-pop girl band.
Much more quality Anime models and clothing would be nice.

I'd like to 'second' the call for 'whole of scene' weather.

By Rampa - 10 Years Ago
davidktimperley (11/23/2014)
Last time I was looking for Anime in the content library, I think the only decent models were of a J-pop girl band.
Much more quality Anime models and clothing would be nice.

I'd like to 'second' the call for 'whole of scene' weather.

You should look at Cellygon's avatars. He has a semi-anime style.

By davidktimperley - 10 Years Ago
rampa (11/23/2014)
davidktimperley (11/23/2014)
Last time I was looking for Anime in the content library, I think the only decent models were of a J-pop girl band.
Much more quality Anime models and clothing would be nice.

I'd like to 'second' the call for 'whole of scene' weather.

You should look at Cellygon's avatars. He has a semi-anime style.


Hay, thanks for the reply.

There is some nice stuff there but I'm thinking of a much closer Anime look...

This brings me to a content issue I was thinking about last night.
Often I can find what I'm looking for. I'm given 'tasters' of content but there isn't enough variation to be useful in a project.

For instance, these girl band members in this style is all there is. So unless I'm doing a basic music video, I'm screwed.
Where are the male characters? the old people, chubby characters, animals, etc?

By davidktimperley - 10 Years Ago
animagic (10/28/2014)
Thanks, blue!

As this is related to content, I would like standard ethnicity variations with the new avatars,in the way that MakeHuman has it.

I would also like a FaceGen plugin to create heads. This exist already for DAZ.

So basically, more built-in customization options for character-related content.

Hummm, that's interesting. No ethnicity? How does iClone handle this aspect in Daz and Poser models?
By Rampa - 10 Years Ago
Ethnicity from DAZ/poser models would come from the DAZ/Poser models, which can be imported through 3DXchange5 Pro.

For G5 and earlier heads, there is a lot of adjustment that can be done in iClone. You can also send meshes to other programs for re-sculpting if you have 3DXchange5 Pro.

That also opens up the availability of DAZ/Poser Anime characters, as well as any other skeletal biped avatars that you can get into FBX format.

We will know what can be done with G6 avatars pretty soon.
By shane_mock - 10 Years Ago
I would like to use my Kinect scanner to create a face that can then be applied to an avatar.

Right now, we can map a photo. Sometimes this works perfectly, but other times it looks nothing like the person.

The Kinect would give an exact representation.
By Cellygon - 10 Years Ago
I want better more realistic water and fire. BigGrin Also dynamic weather effects, something like the sky tool. Maybe make a new one called weather tool?
By jann - 10 Years Ago
More/new stuff for gardening - specially for kitchen garden.
By hattori kun - 9 Years Ago

Btw I absolutely like the new sleek design compared to Iclone 5.
Some minor suggestions if this is the right venue for IClone 6 requests. The UX designer in me is brainstorming some tweaks. I think these two settings can be consolidated into Visual tab. Logically the render tab is related to visuals/image as well as the camera settings. It is that way in other 3d appz.
Secondly I think the camera settings is also not so easy to access visually in some cases when the scene is full I cant find an empty space to click to bring up the camera settings. So putting an icon there would help a lot.

By animagic - 9 Years Ago
@hattori kun: The best place for feature requests is to start a new topic here: https://forum.reallusion.com/Forum388-1.aspx

This section is for Wishful Content, i.e., new content that you would like.

By Jon_Roland - 9 Years Ago
While I understand I can create my own scenes, there are several I would like to have as standards that I and others could use:

1. Courtrooms of various designs
2. Jury rooms, trial and grand, various designs
3. Assembly hall, many attendees, most of whom only move a little
4. Police interrogation room
5. Classroom, auditorium, various designs

My application is training legal professionals and citizens in law. One thing I would like to do is simulate the delegates to the 1787 Philadelphia Constitutional Convention, so I need 1787 suits on them.

This would be in support of our site at constitution.org
By Tarampa Studios - 9 Years Ago
Ooo! ooo!!

I really wish we could have a small set of deformer dummies that work on any prop or avatar - so we could unroll/untwist/swell/grow/distort/bulge almost anything in a toonish or slick intro-manner...

.e.g. I'd love to have iavatars and props that could:
* shrink/swell/stretch/bulge as they squeeze through keyholes or other tight spaces...
* unroll/roll up or fold any character or prop, as if they were paper
* twist/untwist any character or prop, as if it was a candy-cane...

these sound like they may have only a limited use, but the truth is quite the opposite... e.g. take a look at this one very short video to see how Cinema4D can do so much with only *one* of its deformers..... So creative!

And if you freeze it at 10 seconds, you'll catch a glimpse of some other really cool deformers, e.g.:
* a bomb deformer to explode anything
* a polygon reduction deformer to speed up projects without having to export each item to other deformer software first.... oh, and it can also be used to turn almost any object or character into a toon by lowering the poly count, and then just swapping the diffuse texture for a single colour (or swapping it for a toon diffuse material from the set of toon textures that are already available in the reallusion store.)

And if we had a really simple spline tool with an option to extrude, then we could combine the set of tools to create almost anything - including really intricate, precision work, like this vid I made quite recently: iClone is already *SO* close to being able to do this already! BigGrin

And I know it's been mentioned before by others far more experienced than me, but I'd like to agree that we need a Font-Text Creator plug-in so we can type any 3D text word/phrase/sentence directly into iClone and create any 3D model font *either* as a prop, or as an image layer...

And yes, I know we can already do the image layers using a png made in photoshop and control-dragged into iclone so it *looks* like it may be a 3D prop/billboard, but a plug-in that could do both in the same little popup box would make it soooo much easier, faster and more flexible.... especially if the custom 3D words/sentences are compatible with the Motion Montage Packs, and could enhance their usability amazingly, because each motion montage box can be a parent to more than one word or punctuation mark.

Crikey, with this one small box of tools, it's hard to imagine how anybody could ever need any other animation software, ever again!


By prabhatM - 9 Years Ago

I really wish we could have a small set of deformer dummies that work on any prop or avatar - so we could unroll/untwist/swell/grow/distort/bulge almost anything in a toonish or slick intro-manner...

.e.g. I'd love to have iavatars and props that could:
* shrink/swell/stretch/bulge as they squeeze through keyholes or other tight spaces...
* unroll/roll up or fold any character or prop, as if they were paper
* twist/untwist any character or prop, as if it was a candy-cane...

these sound like they may have only a limited use, but the truth is quite the opposite... e.g. take a look at this one very short video to see how Cinema4D can do so much with only *one* of its deformers..... So creative!

Passionately requested for this feature in great details 18 months back. Terrific for Toon work.

This would have given ICLONE a greater value addition and WOW factor than INDIGO Plugin !

RL needs to look inward and enhance ICLONE's core value.
By Tarampa Studios - 9 Years Ago
Well, as a Tutor your opinion must pack far more punch than mine, so I'm cheering for you.

Count me as part of your cheer squad BigGrin
By animagic - 9 Years Ago
Well, Indigo is really only a minor part of the iClone 6 upgrade. We have to keep things in perspective. There are many worthwhile additions in this release besides Indigo.

Also, we all have different wants with regard to what would give more value to iClone. I don't think that anyone can state that his/her suggestions are the ticket.

For example, I just want a mirror and a curve editor... That's only been asked for since 2010 or 2011... Four years or so?

By dogged2003 - 8 Years Ago
When I created the video appeared wishes: 

- do not work more than 17 forms of collisions on avatar for soft material? 
- The desired track for recording status on/off forms of collisions on avatar
- Need on-off Dummy effect on the fabric – you can delete Dummy Arrow, and how through 300 frames to attach Dummy back? And anywhere on a fabric?
- The desired track for storing changes in the parameters of physics objects
- Need the ability to save to a file track the "Soft Cloth" or the ability to supply protection from being overwritten when you change the settings PhisX
- don't overwrite the track “Soft Cloth” after changing the Weight Map! Overwriting makes it difficult to create special effects!
By sureshmadhusanka - 8 Years Ago
RL Please pay attention to this wonderful work and add this amazing puppet tool to iclone

By Darren01 - 8 Years Ago
overall I'm really happy with the iC6 avatars.
They are realistic enough without being photorealistic. I don't want photorealistic, otherwise everything else in the scene has to be photorealistic or it looks mismatched.
The iC6 avatars have lots of detail and very customisable.
I love Character Creator, it really is amazing how many body and facial features you can manipulate to get it spot on.
Biggest let down for me on avatars is the facial animation, more specifically the mouth.

Here's my couple of wishes for RL
1. The lip movement, particularly 'W' type movements look all wrong - mouth goes all puckered and heart shaped, looks weird. Even with animation strength reduced, it looks....wrong.
And the smile is terrible. I avoid making my avatars smile because it looks scary, kind of like Sheldon from Big Bang trying to smile.... Still remind me of the old Sims avatars. Daz characters seem to have fairly good mouth/lip animation in comparison, so surely it's possible. Even if there was some way users could manipulate the individual animation points on the mouth to create and save a smile.

2. Character Creator - small request. Can we have individual control of left and right eyebrow heights please ? Seems to be separate controls for left & right on many other facial features, but not eyebrow height. Important feature for fine tuning a face! Not everyone's eyebrows are symmetrical!

3. Spring effect on female avatars!
I love the idea of spring effect, yeah not just boobs Smile  but when enabled, the body seems to move with so much more realism/relaxed ie hips, abdomen etc. Takes the rigidity out of the avatars movement.
Yes BIG boobs it works well!  But my avatar is petite and she doesn't have a set of double D's!! She's got modest B-cups and little boobs don't work well with spring effect. As soon as I turn spring effect on, her breasts instantly turn from pert to saggy and deflated, even when standing still... And B-cups 'jiggle', not bounce like water balloons, which is not possible, even at the lowest settings there is far too much going on there lol Smile So I've had to disable it. I'm not devastated that the breasts are no longer moving (I don't want them moving much anyway), but as said I like the other effects that the spring effect has on other parts of the body, which I can't use if spring effect is turned off.