Hi all,
I was thinking about a feature that would allow for easier model texturing in 3DXchange or iClone. It would work with the current texture options and the gizmo to make texturing things like roofs and sides of meshes in iClone much easier.
Essentially, you could fill/paint materials per-face and in addition edit the rotation and scale of the texture for each face using a gizmo or control section.
This tool would require a new section called 'textures' (probably under scene). This section would house the tooltip menu and various texture options such as 'link all similar' that would turn all similar (same files loaded and same settings) textures in a model or scene into one single linked texture profile (saving tons of memory with one click). In addition, you could also have advanced UV settings, allowing you to create your own UV setup by ctrl-clicking on a face or ctrl-click-draging on several faces (highlight selected).
I know this is a big idea and it won't be in until iClone 6 or even 7, but it would make life (and my pipeline) a ton easier.

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