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CC3.CC4, iClone 8, AccuFACE, Motion LIVE Tongue Preview/Record?

Posted By JahniB Last Year
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CC3.CC4, iClone 8, AccuFACE, Motion LIVE Tongue Preview/Record?

Posted Last Year
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Last Active: Last Year
Posts: 18, Visits: 92
I'm jumping into iClone, on day 4 today. I have around 60; CC3 humanoid characters already created. I'm trying to take them into CC4 so I can export them to iClone 8 in order to motion capture. I noticed the tongue options are missing, even once converted to Extended in CC4. I can see the tongue sliders, after I move from Standard to Extended, but they are greyed out along, with brow, compress, Eye; pupil dilate/contract, eyelash, ear-up, down, out, nose crease, nose tip, cheek puff, mouth smile sharp, mouth roll, chin up, all the tongue moves, jaw up/down, neck swallow, head forward/backward, to name a few.

So today I just made a quick sample character, in CC4 to check out the workflow through iClone>AccuFACE>Motion LIVE. I notice when I'm using Motion LIVE>Preview/Record, the tongue doesn't move at all. I can't find much about tongue controls anywhere. Do you know if it can be animated while recording? Or is the only option to add it later in "Viseme"?

When playing around with the new CC4 character, again, it still wont animate the tongue, but overall the additional items (as shown above), make it way move refined in the expressions. They make the mouth an almost perfect match, when combined with the controls in Motion LIVE>Strength/Denoise/Smooth. I would really love it I could get my CC3 Characters to animated with those additional greyed out sliders. It took a lot of time to get them sculpted. Can you please advise me? Do I need to write a separate post for the CC3>CC4 issues? I'm new to the forum, and don't completely know what the rules are. Please advise me. :) Thanks I advance.My main questions are;How do I properly convert my CC3 characters into CC4 so that I have full access to the tongue sliders as well as the additional missing ones as posted above?Is there a way to motion capture the tongue in iClone>AccuFACE>Motion LIVE? Or is Viseme the only option?

thank you!

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