EDIT: The below is a user error, though trying to follow the Manual using the same "square plane" from the iclone props results in the behave below.
https://manual.reallusion.com/iClone-8/Content/ENU/8.0/46-Tessellation-Displacement/Using_Grayscale_Images_for_Displacement.htm?Highlight=displacement The issue occured because the Iclone 8 plane has only 2 polgons against 2048 in Iclone 7 (thanks to 4u2ges)
( I leave this here , someone else may meet the same circumstances , the tracker issue has been removed)
I asume this has not been fixed, so i put it here.
In IC8,32 / CC4,32 displacemant maps and Tessellation are not working as in IC7,9x.
I add a video to demonstrate the issue (comments welcome, but i think its not a user error
because it works flawlesly in IC7.
Tessellation :
75% of original size (was 670x19) - Click to enlarge![https://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/ea5877a8-7306-4926-a952-a971.jpg](https://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/ea5877a8-7306-4926-a952-a971.jpg)
Also put a message in the Tracker: