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Character Creator 4.4, 4.41 and 4.42 Official Issues Thread

Posted By Peter (RL) Last Year
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Character Creator 4.4, 4.41 and 4.42 Official Issues Thread

Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
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Dear Character Creator Users,

We have now released Character Creator 4.42 update. However, as with all updates there may still be a few bugs, glitches or other annoying issues stubbornly remaining.

Important: If you do find any bugs, issues or glitches in Character Creator 4.42, please can you report them first in the Feedback Tracker. Then feel free to discuss the issues in this thread but do try to include a link back to the original Feedback Tracker report or your tracker number.

As always it will help us greatly if we can keep all technical issues in the one place (this thread). This will help the development team keep track of any problems.

Please do try to provide your full system specifications and a detailed description of the problem when reporting issues and include screenshots and/or a workflow video whenever possible. If you can provide specific steps so we can try and reproduce the problem that will be even better.

Many thanks and have fun with Character Creator 4.42.


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2 Weeks Ago by Peter (RL)
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Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
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Koshkin24 - Do have Headshot v1 or v2? If you have v2 do make sure you have it updated to version 2.01. You can do this from the Reallusion Hub.


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Thank you! My version of Headshot is 2.0.615.1
Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
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Thanks for explaining more. The version you have is actually 2.0.0615.1 which is the old version. You need to update to 2.01 which is compatible with CC 4.4.

You can update in the Reallusion Hub. Just look under Updates to see if the 2.01 update is there. If you don't see it, click Refresh, or logout and then log back in again. It should then be available.


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Skin Gen Makeup Project. Digital Human Head Shader is broken with legacy CC3+ characters, all my characters do this unless they are new CC4 or using PBR old shaders. In fact all skin gen stuff with CC3+ or anything from Human Anatomy, Realistic human skin pack avatars. Even an included CC3+ character from marketplace does this and has missing sliders. The missing textures issues still lurks from some of the earliest versions of CC4 with customers, even sometimes referencing textures to a ghost location on D:\ that never existed. These issues need fixing and have dragged on long enough for quite a few customers and/or appear out of nowhere even when previously working fine. Reallusion know about this and have done for over 1 year or so, is there any point in keep raising feedback trackers when it doesn't get fixed. The hotfix does not work.
Last Year by Marty3DGuru
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After the recent update to CC4.4 the texture link with photoshop is no longer working.

Feedback tracker - Sharing a link to the feedback tracker as well.
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I get constant crashes when rendering from CC4. Unfortunately I don't have much more info to go on other than this event log:

OS: Windows 10 22H2
CPU: Intel i5 12500kf
GPU: Nvidia RTX 3070Ti
Driver ver: 546.33 (Game Ready)

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For no reason the Widnow tabs are getting switched to some default whenever CC is getting minimized and then restored.

The default tabs i my case are Headshot, Content and also Packager tabs.
Regardless which tab is active and is in focus, after minimize/restore the Headshot and Content are getting switched to.

Also when a project is opened from Content, the Modify tab is getting switched to. Which is also annoying.

I want everything to stay where it is unless I switch it myself.


Last Year by 4u2ges
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Ever since the latest updates to the Reallusion Hub and Character Creator 4 the program is not able to launch. The initial launch window opens and then disappears and then nothing happens. All my drivers are up to date. I currently have an official ticket open but none of the solutions have worked. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling but no luck. I thought I would post here if anyone else is having the same issue and was able to find a solution. The program was working fine up until this latest update. Is there a way to roll back the update on CC4 to the previous version where it was working? I don't know what to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Wacom Mobile Studio Pro 16
Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit
Intel (R) Iris (R) Graphics 550 ( 8228 MB/ 128 MB VRAM)
NVIDIA Quadro M1000M (12154 MB Memory/ 4054 MB VRAM
Intel (R) Core (TM) i7-6567U CPU @ 3.30GHz (4 CPUs), ~ 3.3GHZ
Memory 16384MB RAM
DirectX 12

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