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The DA points I earned through sales don't correspond with price???

Posted By 2 Years Ago
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The DA points I earned through sales don't correspond with price???

Posted 2 Years Ago
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Last Active: 2 Years Ago
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Please bear with me, as I'm a first time seller. So I saw that people have bought my stuff, but the amount doesn't match with the price I asked for? The sales happened before I was recently accepted as CCD, in the Marketplace. I vaguely recall that Content Store stuffs can be randomly put on discount by Reallusion? But I was in the Marketplace and I didn't put any discount. Even if I take into account that I don't earn 100% of the asking price, but the numbers are different for each month but still in the same range? It looks like people can buy elements of the pack individually or what?

Also, since the sales happened in the Marketplace and I can't cash them, they shouldn't count as income for tax purposes right?
Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
Posted 2 Years Ago
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Hi... If you have any questions about Marketplace payments, please contact Customer Support using the link below. They will be able to check this for you.


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But I was in the Marketplace and I didn't put any discount. Even if I take into account that I don't earn 100% of the asking price, but the numbers are different for each month but still in the same range? It looks like people can buy elements of the pack individually or what?
Also, since the sales happened in the Marketplace and I can't cash them, they shouldn't count as income for tax purposes right?

A couple of things: in November 2023, there was a 30%-off sale on everything in the Marketplace which applied to any products no matter whether they were discounted by the seller or not. Also, if buyers have Prime, they get an additional 15% discount. Then there are Bonus Points which can be used towards Marketplace purchases. So even if you did not discount anything that does not necessarily mean that no discounts or the prices you set applied to the stuff people bought from you.

I'm no tax expert, but depending on what taxation authorities you are subject to, you may or may not have to pay tax on MP sales as well if the authorities regard the sales as non-cash benefits. Also, such non-cash earnings may only be taxed if they exceed a certain amount (marginal earnings threshold). I would suggest you find out what applies to you and not expect RL to provide you with tax advice because they may not know what rules and regulations apply in your location or to you specifically.

My YouTube channel: Animations made with Cinema 4D and Reallusion Products

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