Im using that CC Auto Setup for 3ds Max and hope u can help me with some questions.
So i have an CC Character exported -
in 3dmax in the CC Auto Setup i add the fbx and the json and import.
then i generate the CAT rig - at this moment there arms change a bit and get slight angled - changing the orginal fbx pose.
is there an way to avoid this change ?
i follow up a tutorial
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQiebNuBUXIwich is about skinning bones direct to the catrig.
- this is done by 3dsmax ´s default SkinUtiliys , in a step you need to remove the skin modifier - the mesh snaps back to its orginal state ,while the catrig stays in this modified state.
i need to edit the cat rig - and make use of some twistbones that are in the CC bones.
my python knowledge is very limited. i tryed to understand how all this works.
i found a cat_data.json wich looks like this is used to align the CAT to the CC bones ,right ?
then there is a data.json wich looks like defining a hirarchy based on the CC bones ..guess.
also a cat.pyc and cat_make_mapping-json.pyc but these are ofc allrdy compiled.
is there any way for me to :
1. extend the CAT rig by twist bones somewhere in this files -before executing the cat rig generation in 3dsmax:
also i would like to reduce the 5 Toes to 1
2. skip the transforms where the CAT rig gets slightly moved at the Arms
3. have the CAT rig parts named different ( in order to skip the renaming script from the video mentioned above)
hope u can help me