Hello, not shure if this is intended or not.
CC3-44 / CC4.22
I saved the default char from CC3 as iavatar to disk.
Then loaded it into CC4.
Loading that iavatar into CC4 removes the pose.
CC4 seems to remove any pose thats displayed in the thumbnail preview and replaces it with the same pose.
Then i manually exported the CC3 pose into an .imotionplus file and droped that on the CC4 char
This changed the pose to the desired CC3 one
Then i saved that char under custom chars in CC4
Reloading this into CC4 again removes the pose shown in the thumbnail
(see image)
Couldnt find a setting for that, so is this intended or may be a bug or is there a way to
load a certain pose when loading a char without doing this manually in 2 steps ?
76% of original size (was 664x19) - Click to enlarge