nThe pose seetings are currently either bugged or just comfusing
- The "default pose" does not work when starting a new project and loading a char.
- The default pose seems to work differently when loading a custom and a factory char
- When loading a custom char (see thumbs on the left) or iavatar into a new project, the pose snaps into that position, while
loading the factory lady with the blue skirt snaps into a pose without the knee up !
- The default pose only works when clicking on restore pose in the pose editor
- In my opinion it should be the other way around, a pose like shown in the thumbnail should be loaded into the main window
and not only be available only when clicking on "restore pose" in the pose editor
(Note: Saving the current shown pose into a project will show up properly when reloading that project)
Big question:
where does that pose come from where my char lifts her knee up a little like shown below ?This is not the pose i have created (see thumb on the left), i must click restore pose to bring the pose shown
in the thumb into the scene.
The pose with the knee up must be defined/stored somewhere else, but where (if its not a bug) ??
76% of original size (was 664x19) - Click to enlarge
76% of original size (was 664x19) - Click to enlarge