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Disturbed by current website and licensing

Posted By Dev3DGen 3 Years Ago
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Last Active: 2 Years Ago
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Hello everyone,
I have a few problems. I have not found the answer yet.
Maybe you can help me.

On the positive side: AccuRIG is very good.
Here we go: 
This "reallusion" website does not have a search box. Why? Like why can I not go to the products I visited yesterday or how am I supposed to find anything (e.g. "Souls").
Also there are 3 shops. Why? Why is there a need to buy da points (is this an MMO)?
What has a customer to do when he wants to buy a set, a module and software? Did anyone think about it?
Your customer support is not working. A few days ago I tried to send a message and picture and it failed every time. And the error message is like "something did not work". Yay.

Let us assume I would like to use your sotware in a small company for game development and I would use multiple modules (because you have to buy everything separate here) from different shops/areas.
So reading up on your "revised licensing", it seems to be the case, that I cannot even use your software to create something and sell a video game later.
The extended license which comes one tier higher after the standard license says:
"Use of characters made with CC Components[3] in games, XR, and applications for mass distribution."

If I understand correctly, this means after paying hundreds of dollars I cannot use the models created and I should pay triple to four times the amount to get an "extended license" for every module?
Is this an exclusive circle? Maybe I took the wrong door.

I think there is a lot I would like to use and support from a dev perspective but the way I am treated as a customer here atm makes me very cautious about this website.
It feels like a trap when you cannot contact somebody and you cannot write an email to the support. Like that is a no-go for personal and business.
So I am very disturbed right now. The pictures on the website look good.

Have fun creating and have a nice day.

Kind regards
Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
Posted 3 Years Ago
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Please see below for the answers to your questions.

Here we go:
This "reallusion" website does not have a search box. Why? Like why can I not go to the products I visited yesterday or how am I supposed to find anything (e.g. "Souls").

The main website may not have search box, but everything is fully indexed from the top right-hand dropdown menu. The Content Store, Marketplace, ActorCore and the Forum are fully searchable.

Also there are 3 shops. Why? Why is there a need to buy da points (is this an MMO)?

The Software Store is for (obviously) software, the Content Store is for Reallusion's own content and content from selected partners, and the Marketplace is where our customers can sell content they create. Payment is made in DA Points in the Marketplace and the points collected by sellers can then be spent in any store.

What has a customer to do when he wants to buy a set, a module and software? Did anyone think about it?

I'm not really understanding this question sadly. Please explain more.

Your customer support is not working. A few days ago I tried to send a message and picture and it failed every time. And the error message is like "something did not work". Yay.

We get many, many support requests each day and this pattern has not changed so the Support system appears to be working fine. The issue may be with the browser you are using, or perhaps your security software. Please try a different browser like Microsoft Edge or try a different computer if you have access to one.

Let us assume I would like to use your sotware in a small company for game development and I would use multiple modules (because you have to buy everything separate here) from different shops/areas.
So reading up on your "revised licensing", it seems to be the case, that I cannot even use your software to create something and sell a video game later.

I think you may be misinformed. You can certainly use content purchased from the Content Store or Marketplace in your video games with the correct license.

The extended license which comes one tier higher after the standard license says:
"Use of characters made with CC Components[3] in games, XR, and applications for mass distribution."

If I understand correctly, this means after paying hundreds of dollars I cannot use the models created and I should pay triple to four times the amount to get an "extended license" for every module?
Is this an exclusive circle? Maybe I took the wrong door.

An Extended License is only needed for CC Component content (clothing, hair etc.) purchased from the Content Store or Marketplace that is to be used in mass distributed commercial games or applications. For personal use and non-commercial games or apps the Standard License is sufficient. Content included with our software does also not require an Extended License.


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Hello Peter,

Thank you for answering.

I'm not really understanding this question sadly. Please explain more.

Software Store, the Content Store (Reallusion's own content + selected partners), and the Marketplace (customer's content):
If I want to buy one thing from the Software Store and one thing from the Content Store and one thing from the Marketplace, wil that make four payments?
-> Paying in the first, paying in the second, buying da points for the market, paying in the last.
Is there no way to unify/simplify the shopping?

Aditionally, I do not understand how 
DA Points in the Marketplace can then be spent in any store. Is it some kind of price reduction if you do not use points?

The issue may be with the browser you are using

That might be the case. Though I have multiple browsers installed as a developer and still failed. I tried ten times with intervals.
(You probably do not need it because of your many requests but if you feel like improving this specific problem: I had issues with the following browsers "Vivaldi", "Mozilla Firefox", "Opera")
Please understand that I am not able to get new hardware for creating a support ticket.

the Support system appears to be working fine

That is good to know. Then it is just me and my browsers.

(1) You can certainly use content purchased from the Content Store or Marketplace in your video games with the correct license.

(2) An Extended License is only needed for CC Component content (clothing, hair etc.) purchased from the Content Store or Marketplace that is to be used in mass distributed commercial games or applications. For personal use and non-commercial games or apps the Standard License is sufficient.

(3) Content included with our software does also not require an Extended License.

That (1) is what I am looking for but what is the correct license... regarding (2) you mentioned personal and non-commercial games.
I am interested in commercial games. Also showing or explaining I have created but anything that can be interpreted as marketing is commercial again. That means I need a commercial license for the products.
It seems fine to me to maybe change the license later on. One at a time.

In addition, (2) you mentioned content from Content/Marketplace stores like e.g. a "ponytail set" has to have an Extended License.
But if I understand your explanations correctly (3) content delivered with a product like "Character Creator" does not need an Extended License but a Standard License e.g. "basic male body", "basic hair 1" and "basic shorts".
That is because it is included and these are covered CC components.

I think I understood but I would like to have it clarified:
What is the licensing for the Software Store?
What is the licensing for the Content Store?
What is the licensing for the Marketplace?
Can I select a "Standard License" in every single one of them and then upgrade later as I see fit?

A question to the Software Store: Is it not Reallusion's own content? I thought it was. It looked like it from the outside.

Regarding the forum: Is there a "insert non-formated text" functionality/button?

Thank you for your time.


Kind regards
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I can share my knowledge on this subject.

You can think of DA points as the RL's own currency.

When you buy DA points, you can use these points in all stores. If you have a coupon and after using your coupon, you can pay the remaining balance with DA points.
However, you cannot return products purchased with DA points.

But separately, you can store your DA points for use only in the marketplace, and you can use your credit card in other stores.

There are 4 stores but there are 3 cart systems.

1- Software and Content Store use the same basket.
(You can pay with DA points or credit card.)

2- Actor Core sells animation and Actor core characters and uses a separate basket system.
(You can pay with DA points or credit card.)

3- Marketplace uses a separate basket system and you can only pay with DA points.

I've had the problem of submitting tickets for support a few times.
My guess is that if you wait too long on the support page, there is a timeout. For this reason, you can try to send your message again by preparing it before opening the support page.
Another possibility is if they use secret captcha (I'm not sure), you can try to send a ticket after logging into your Google account.
You can get a new IP number by turning your modem on and off.

If the product you produce is a game, AR or application and you earn a fee from it in any way, even a one-time fee, this will be commercial use.

Licenses do not vary by market.
If you are buying products such as hair, clothes, characters, they have extended licenses.
The standard license is sufficient for the content included in the program, for products such as animation and props sold in stores.

I haven't tried it but for now there is no option to upgrade the standard license to the extended license.


Peter (RL)
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Peter (RL)
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Hi Dev3DGen

I think Yepkoo has kindly answered most of your questions for you, but here are my answers to the rest.

Aditionally, I do not understand how DA Points in the Marketplace can then be spent in any store. Is it some kind of price reduction if you do not use points?

100 DA Points = US $1. So, if you were purchasing something for $10 in the Content Store you could use a 1000 DA Points or pay the $10 dollars with your card. 

That is good to know. Then it is just me and my browsers.

The Support Form is the recommended way to submit a support request, but if you can't resolve the problem, you can email support[at] Please Note: It may take longer to get a reply when emailing so please use the Support Form if you can.

I think I understood but I would like to have it clarified:
What is the licensing for the Software Store?
What is the licensing for the Content Store?
What is the licensing for the Marketplace?

The Software EULA is HERE
Content Store and Marketplace EULA is HERE.

Can I select a "Standard License" in every single one of them and then upgrade later as I see fit?

Unfortunately, no. Standard Licenses can't be upgraded to Extended Licenses. If you purchase CC Component content with the long-term plan to use it in commercial games, then you should purchase the Extended License now to save you from having to purchase again later. 

A question to the Software Store: Is it not Reallusion's own content? I thought it was. It looked like it from the outside.

The Software Store is where you purchase our programs like iClone 8, Character Creator 4, Cartoon Animator 4 and all their Plug-ins. You don't purchase Content from the Software Store. Apart from one or two 3rd party Plug-ins, all the software in the Software Store is Reallusion's own.

Regarding the forum: Is there a "insert non-formated text" functionality/button?

You can paste in text without formatting by using CTRL+SHIFT+V. Alternatively you can select "Format > Remove All Formatting" from the toolbar under the message box.


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Hello yepkoo, Hello Peter,

There are 4 stores but there are 3 cart systems.

Thank you. Seems saving DA points for the market makes sense to me (except if you do not use the market).
I still feel weird pushing three carts through a shop but that is just me. ^^

I've had the problem of submitting tickets for support a few times.My guess is that if you wait too long on the support page, there is a timeout. For this reason, you can try to send your message again by preparing it before opening the support page.

Thank you for sharing. That is valuable to know.

Unfortunately, no. Standard Licenses can't be upgraded to Extended Licenses.

That is a little sad, Peter. I think there is a need for customers to get the next license when their projects get bigger or involve more parties.
Good to have heard about it before buying. Thank you.

 Apart from one or two 3rd party Plug-ins, all the software in the Software Store is Reallusion's own.

That definitely cleared it up.

CTRL+SHIFT+V helped, thanks. I always used the Editor to lose formatting... or right-click and search the correct option... well... uhm... you never stop learning.

Is it okay when I mark the last one as solution?
Sorry for all the trouble and thank you for helping me.

Have a nice day.
Kind regards

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