...tutorial soon to follow!!!!! BigGrin
Ahhh no. It would have been long and boring. I hate making those :)
Instead I will share a project as usual:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nqmayj4McsjGpQ6MIC573pVAZlQQxJEf/view?usp=sharing(It comes with 3 video files. Keep them at the same location as the project itself to save the hassle of locating them for water material).
Just a few notes...
Water is made with fairly large hi-poly plane (to have satisfactory displacement). iClone does not have such a prop. So I made it in Blender.
If you are making your own plane and intend to keep Reflection Surface shader, you must follow this guideline in Blender (or workout similar in other apps.):
(from this guide:
https://forum.reallusion.com/FindPost516437.aspx)1. Make sure the reflective surface is perpendicular to the reflection axis.
2. Before exporting to FBX, select object, Ctrl+A and then Rotation and Scale.
3. Select object and Set Origin. In Object mode go to Object > Set Origin > Origin to Center of Mass (Surface).
4. Export to FBX with the following settings:
77% of original size (was 657x19) - Click to enlarge
If you miss one point from above, the object would not reflect properly in iClone.
For splashes I used 3 popcorn FX effects. All 3 are customized Underwater Bubbles.
I did not spent much time tweaking them. You can do it on your own (or pick some other effect) for the best result.
One is attached to the head and another two to each hand.
Separate video is assigned to Blend channel. If you change it, make sure to check Use sRGB (it's off by default for Blend channel).
The rest (visual, Camila's materials, animation... etc is pretty much self-explanatory).