Hi I'm currently doing an update of some of my products re-texturing and adding other features. There used to be a feature that enabled one to download their own content, however after several trials the download button on all of my products doesn't do anything except go to a page where it says 0 of 0 products found and "No records were found based on your search criteria."
Also on my product developer page a lot of my previously published products to Prop Masters etc just say 'paused" some clarification on this would be most helpful.
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Facebook Page: CWK3D Game and Film Content
Cancer Survivor - Retired Teacher - Geriatric Icloner still learning
Hardware: ZX80; Operating System- ZX80 Basic; CPU - ZX80 @ 3.25 MHz; Memory - 1KB; Hard Drive - N/A; Storage - Cassette; Monitor: Any old CRT TV