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Help with paths

Posted By debbie harmon 2 Years Ago
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debbie harmon
debbie harmon
Posted 2 Years Ago
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Why does my avatar always move backward before following a path?  How do I fix this?  I also have a problem with an avatar entering a room, having a conversation and then leaving the room in a smooth transition. Thanks for your help.  Here is a picture of what I am talking about and a video showing it in action.
Posted 2 Years Ago
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We've been talking about this over in the Icone thread here...

There is a bug that was introduced a little while back to iClone Path's and it's not fixed but 4u2' has a workaround that might work for you... although I could never get it to work for me but it's probably just me I'm afraid Smile

I usually just attach a dummy object to the path and then Link my avatar to the dummy. I do a Motion Puppet walk for the avatar and then move the dummy along the path to match the "gate & distance traveled" of the avatar's walk. I
t ain't perfect but it works till they get it fixed which I think they will at least in the next version.

Click here to go to my YouTube Channel filled with iClone Tutes and Silly Stuff


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2 Years Ago by mark
debbie harmon
debbie harmon
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thank you for this info.  glad it is not just me.  I have been going crazy trying to figure out what I am doing wrong.

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