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How do I Make a G2 character smile between speaking?

Posted By VocalPics 4 Years Ago
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How do I Make a G2 character smile between speaking?

Posted 4 Years Ago
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Last Active: 3 Years Ago
Posts: 24, Visits: 134
Hi There, I'm an infrequent user of CTA3 and am working on a client animation. I have purchased Buddy Faces and have added a Buddy head to standard G2 body, which looks great. But the normal look of the Buddy face when not talking is quite miserable! I have added a voice track and want to make the character smile during pauses in his speech. I tried using the Sprite editor, selected Face and then clicked on the mouth in the sprite editor. This brought up loads of mouth shapes and I chose a happy mouth. But when I played the animation, after he smiles, the lip sync afterwards does not work... he remains smiling like a ventriloquist whilst he carries on speaking! What does Mouth_T, Mouth_S and Mouth_D mean on the Face timeline? As it puts a keyframe in one of these when I get him to smile?
I am sure I'm doing something silly here, but can't for the life of me work out how to stop the smile from overriding the mouth animation when he speaks again.

Can someone indicate what to do step by step please?

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