Thank you for your suggestion, as to a solution for this missing process.
I can see that would be an effective solution of sorts, but such a process requires considerable software assets to make that work. Granted Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects will allow you to do this, but what about a situation where you do not have these tools, or something like them or the knowledge of how to use them this way.?
I was hoping for Iclone to manage all this, as any other solution is just more time consuming. Reallusion seems to handle a lot of other issues with great elegance and ease of use in some areas.
I am however finding bugs that are somewhat problematic.
1. If your project model is too big, Iclone becomes unstable and gives you no warnings that you are exceeding its capabilities, relative to your hardware.
2. It just drops the application, and if you have been saving it as I have on a constant basis. When one tries to reload the properly saved application, Iclone fails again repeatedly.
3. If after your attempt at reloading has failed, then next time you restart Iclone, it will offer you a recovery option. For some reason I do not understand, this always allows your project to reload, where as the properly save version fails.
4. The use of a path and its failures. When creating a path to track a camera around a virtual set or stage, I have found that the path editing function has a 50 / 50 chance of working before it fails. When one evokes the path edit function and you want to change the position of a control point after this your transform option looses it its local ability and there by making any alterations of the path or anything else fail. This has been very frustrating. Do you or anyone else have similar problems and if so how do you deal with them.
Chris (Incadude)