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Render the parameters of the Shader Digital Human Eye.

Posted By AngelSing 4 Years Ago
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Render the parameters of the Shader Digital Human Eye.

Posted 4 Years Ago
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Last Active: 3 Years Ago
Posts: 2, Visits: 32
Hello I am new to Character creator and I am making a character and I found that in the eye precisely in the cornea material I could change the parameters of the Shader Digital Human to alter the size of the iris and much more highlighting that also changes the color from there, but when I take it to Iray to render this does not render in color of the Shader Digital Human instead keeps the original color of the base color map. Am I missing something or is it that you can not make a bake of these parameters and render, should I take the base color to Photoshop and change the color there, if so then what are the parameters of the Shader Digital Human for?  

This is how it should look.

But Iray does not interpret the parameters of the Shader Digital Human eye and leaves them like that with the default texture.

Does anyone know if the parameters modified in the cornea material using the Digital Human eye Shader can be rendered somewhere or exported some kind of maps?
I hope someone can clarify this point thank you very much.

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