Nice. Just some tips.
Before exporting FBX or alembic animation out of iClone for MD, make sure to inspect it thoroughly.
MD (and probably any other simulation engine) does not like when simulated mesh gets smashed between 2 collision objects.
And moreover, when those 2 objects intersect. Make sure hands are at least 1 centimeter away from the body for the entire animation.
Fingers (and specially if lady has long nails) are going through the mesh like a knife through the butter, while cloth is simulated.
If I intend sometimes to pull the cloth with fingers/hands during simulation, I would do it manually in MD during simulation (with picker) and then in iClone try to animate hand to follow after alembic import. (does not work for cloth with sleeves).
Or, I put special, smooth/solid gloves on a character before exporting from iClone and hide palms altogether. This way there is no fingers/nails penetration occur.
Maybe there are ways to tweak collision for hands inside MD (and there probably is), but I am not aware (I am not an MD pro
3 Years Ago by